PraySite Requests
My husband and I are christians. I have a sister named Valeria Kay who is a witch and practices black magic, she hates us because we are christians and have a close happy home with our two daughters. She has threaten to DESTROY us to KILL me to break our family apart, to put a spell on my husband's JOB & FINANCES, to make us lose our home and everything eles, and to curse our childrens FUTURES and PATHS. She has announced this curse over and over again for two weeks. She's also has sent a curse to block my dreams, God sends me visions in my dreams of things to come or warnings I need to pray about. Now I can't remember any of my dreams and therefore can't receive any more messages or warnings through my dreams from God to know what's to come or what specifics to pray about. We're calling on our Brothers and Sisters in Christ to fast with us in our time of GREAT need and help. So far, We will be FASTING 3PM-6PM everyday until we get a break through. Please join us in this fast to pray for God to deliver my family and I from this and that my sister Valeria plans not succeed. Please lift Our names up in prayer, are names are Bruce, Deborah, Brooke and Shelia.