Beloved of All
my grandma urgently need shelaign from small bowel obstruction syndorme. ti have been like this for years. please God i need you to have emrcy nd heal my grandma . pelase forgiv emfor beign impatient wiht my mother. dleive rmy mom form all panic and also help her to c-a-lm down pelae Lord thank YOu. thanky yu for all your healign you hae giv en me. pelase Lor dhav emercy. pelase help me not to react wucikly when my mom get spanicky and please dotn el ther giv eme order syou you dont want me to do. i canto spend all day runnign errands and not tak car eof my grandma. pla ientervene hela my mom of aspergers syndorme and please dleiver us form ant infestation problem. pelase Gdo giv eme wisdom concenrign everyhtign help em clena the hous eforgive my sins and help me to wha tis righ tin your sight. pleas ehelp my mothe tolerat emy presence. help hertolerate my presenc ei