Humble Servant of All
My grandma Schneider Vilmosné needs a miracle healing fromt he Lord Jesus Christ for she has blood pressure problems , particularly due to deformations in her body experiencing fluid build up and needs healign in her heart arteries circulatory ssystem neruological system healign and deliverance of osteoporosis and spinal deformities and curved toes and fingers and also so she can blink breath properly hvae oxygen to all her cells and be able to move and have probler bowel movements without defromities and and obstructions. in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. she needs healing to her heart for her heart to be strngthened miraculoulsy ( please urgent for she is weak) and to be able to eat and drink proper amounts and absorb proper amoutns withot fluid build u por small bowel obstruction syndrome and to be delivered of potential tumours ( potential cerebral diabetes insipidus) and all organs to be healed particularly kidneys and heart but all organs as well and in miraculous proper alignment of all her organs accoridng to the stripes of the Lord Jesus Christ and to be heale dof all cross syndrome and demencia so she can move propersl.y she has been bedridden for the most of 5 years.. but for 1.5 compeltley bedridden. this has cause deformities as well. pelase pray for her to be miraculoulsy healed. i love her so much. please pelase pray in agreement that God heals her.. all of her and dleivers her form all her sicknesses and diseases and heals her by the stripes of the Lord Jesus Christ for His Glory by His power all thanks and praise goes to Him. Please pray God heals all her bodily disordrs and brigns order to all her flesh to obey the stripes of the Lord Jesus Christ. please pray God delivers her of all evil spirits. Permantley for His Glor yby His power int he name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Please pray the Lord Jesus Christ protects her and delivers her completley from all evilat all times and gives her th ebest treatment adn care she needs at all times according to Gods perfect Will and for her salvation and her faith to incrase in Christ and to truly know Him . and that all staff workign wiht her are guided very strongly by the Holy spirit and do God’s Will concernign her . Please also pray all the sick are healed there and delivered of all evil spirits by our Lord Jesus Christ. thanky ouf or praying