Disciple of Prayer
My godson Adam was adopted three years ago. Adoptive father and biological father are brothers. They are Pakistani. The adoption was done in Pakistan with the agreement of both parties. Adam was then brought to Dubai by his adoptive mother. In January this year the adoptive mother took Adam to Pakistan on a first family visit since the adoption. The biological mother — who appears to be unbalanced — insisted that Adam spend six days with her. Adoptive mother agreed. She went to stay with her own parents. Adam was never returned. Both biological parents attacked adoptive mother both verbally and physically. They said they wanted to keep Adam. It has all been extremely distressing. Adoptive father in Dubai tried to negotiate over phone — ordered money etc — but adoptive mother refused the offer. Adoptive parents didn’t involve the police for fear of the whole thing escalating — as it is all ‘in the family’. Tomorrow adoptive mother is flying back to Dubai without Adam. We are all extremely upset. Please pray that Adam is returned to his adoptive parents — he is only 3 and they are the only parents he has known. We worry about him as he is a very sensitive child. At the moment all communications between the two families have broken down. Only God can help. I am a Christian — all the others involved are Muslim. But we know for God there are no boundaries. Please pray. I have been in a very dark place the last twenty days. In Jesus, Raicho