My God,why should i be unlucky in relationships,i dont cheat,i dont entertain other men,why cant you God send someone who can love me,appreciate me,and not to entertain other women,because God it hurts. Help me lord,i have high blood pressure.
I'm going to share with you what the Lord showed me. You ask the Lord for yourself.
When God created mankind, He created them in His image and likeness. Scripture says that "God is love" and if God is love then we were created to love and live in that love and sow that love and reap that love and minister that love. In the beginning it was so, scripture tells us it was. Sin entered in and that relationship of being connected to the One who is 'love' stopped. Now instead of being love, we needed to be loved. Needing to be loved brings with it hurts (being offended or offending someone) disappointments, discouragement, depression, anger, frustration, condemnation, guilt and all the other negative emotional baggage that goes with that selfish love. We expect our spouse to meet our needs and they expect us to meet theirs and it just doesn't happen the way we want it to. Hope begins to fade, disagreements happens, stuff happens, someone's need isn't being met and there is someone willing to step in and take our place. Sadly, relationships based on the world (selfish) can't be satisfied.
There are people who can spot those who are vulnerable and desperate to find love and be in love, and target them. They do it because the person (the one being targeted) has these 'needs' that need to be filled and without discernment they step into something that turns out bad.
I don't know you, but God knows you. God loves you and I encourage you to seek out God and find out who you are in Christ. There is a confidence in knowing who we are in Christ that actually desires to know more and to seek for truth. You are so precious to God and His will is not for you to go from hurtful relationship to another. Write down what attributes you want in a spouse.
This is what the Bible says about Love:
1Co 13:4 Love is patient. Love is kind. Love isn't jealous. It doesn't sing its own praises. It isn't arrogant.
1Co 13:5 It isn't rude. It doesn't think about itself. It isn't irritable. It doesn't keep track of wrongs.
1Co 13:6 It isn't happy when injustice is done, but it is happy with the truth.
1Co 13:7 Love never stops being patient, never stops believing, never stops hoping, never gives up.
1Co 13:8 Love never comes to an end.
Father, thank you for this amazing daughter of yours, one who has precious in your sight. I ask that she would receive the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Jesus, that her eyes be flooded with light, that she might know the hope of His calling and to know the exceeding riches of Your grace. Holy Spirit, baptize her with power so she walks in wisdom. Thank you for the blood of Jesus that has redeemed her life and has placed her in a wonderful life because of Your love. In Jesus name. Amen.