My God and my creator who’s known the depths of my heart he knows the pain in my heart and the sadness and overwhelming feeling of insecurity in my heart I come to you with all my worries and your words tell me whenever I called out for help and upon your name you’ll answer and help me in time of trouble and stress, My gracious God I come to you ask for help to get me out of this situation in my life that’s making me to restless and anxious, lord I submit my thoughts to you, your word tells me in 2 Corinthians 10:5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. Lord every spirit of negative thoughts and every negative thoughts that’s not from you in my heart that’s sets their self against your knowledge in my life God I captured and captive all and make them obedient to you Jesus amen Lord every negative influence and thoughts of lust drawing me into fears and worries today remove them from my mind and my brain so may heart will be at peace, your word tells me in (2 Corinthians 10:5 Train Your Mind What to Think. Lord train my mind to think positive and strong and never be distracted and shaken, lord I stand on your word that a happy and joyful heart is good medicine and a cheerful mind works healing, today I declare your word into my heart may my heart be always be happy and joyfully lord may any way the devil will be using to steal my joy from my heart lord I rebuke the devil from my life amen, lord I pray for the spirit of power and love and sound mind and self control I come against every spirit of the word and insecurity and doubt and fear that today may them be vanished from my life and my soul in Jesus mighty name amen today I come against fear and the spirit of the world using the earth to distract and scares me to be afraid to walk on it I arrest it and cast it to the pit of hell in Jesus name amen o lord my help is from you even if I lift up my face to the mountain my help doesn't come from it my help is from you lord because your word tells me clearly Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth. - Psalm 124:8 lord help me in every battle ongoing in my life and help me to overcome every obstacle and break every yoke of the enemy that doesn’t want me to have peace, restore health to me and peace of mind, lord take away the heavy burden and weight from my heart and free my heart and mind lord I seek for your peace which transcends all understanding in my heart, I stand on your promise and your word
Numbers 6:24-26
24: The Lord bless you and keep you. Lord keep me in all my ways and bless me and keep me from evil
25: the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you. Lord may your face shine upon me and filled my heart with your grace and light amen
26: the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. lord give me peace the kind of peace that is so great which no one can understand release it into my heart and life fill me with your presence and love and your peace in everywhere I go and anything I do In Jesus name Amen, lord your word tells me that anything ask in your name and with faith I’ve received it and also you’ll answer me lord I submit my prayer to you and may it sent forth before you and be answer speedy in Jesus mighty name Amen
Numbers 6:24-26
24: The Lord bless you and keep you. Lord keep me in all my ways and bless me and keep me from evil
25: the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you. Lord may your face shine upon me and filled my heart with your grace and light amen
26: the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. lord give me peace the kind of peace that is so great which no one can understand release it into my heart and life fill me with your presence and love and your peace in everywhere I go and anything I do In Jesus name Amen, lord your word tells me that anything ask in your name and with faith I’ve received it and also you’ll answer me lord I submit my prayer to you and may it sent forth before you and be answer speedy in Jesus mighty name Amen