I prayed for this. In Jesus Name. Amen.
*read and meditate on Ephesians 6:10-18*
father in Jesus name by prayer & faith I put on your whole armor that I may stand against the wiles of the devil. I put on the helmet of salvation..let the same mind be in me that is in Christ Jesus. I put on your breastplate of righteousness... the righteousness of Christ. I put on the girdle of truth...Jesus is the way the truth and the life (john14:6) the truth integrity and holiness of God. I put on your sandals of the gospel of peace..help me to stand on the solid ground of Jesus. Above all, I put on your shield of faith to quench every fiery dart, arrow, spear, and missile the enemy shoots my way... and Lord I put on your precious sword of the spirit, your holy word that's alive and powerful, sharper than any two edge sword (heb 4:12) my offensive and defensive weapon.
Father in Jesus name I ask you to keep the same hedge of protection around me, ___________, and lighthouse ministries and every person involved past present and future. Our loved ones and family members, our minds hearts and emotions as it is written in Job1:10.
Father in Jesus name I ask you to keep an encampment of your powerful angels around us 24 hrs a day.
Father in Jesus name I ask you to send a host of ministering angles ( in addition to the one each believer has) to minister to our hurts needs pain and infirmities straightening us in every way spiritually physically mentally emotionally and financially
Father I just praise you and thank you that your glory is our rear guard (is 52:12 & 58:8) in Jesus name I ask you to surround us with your supernatural wall of fire to insulate us from any assaults of the devil.
Father in Jesus name by faith I claim your promise to be our shield and protector.
In the mighty name of Jesus I command my thoughts to come under the obedience and captivity to Jesus Christ as it is written in 2 Corinthians 10:5
In the name of Jesus the name that is above every name and ALL things (phil 2:9,10 & eph 1:20-23) I bind up every unclean spirit and assignment coming against me, lighthouse ministries, ___________ and every person involved past present and future ( our children and family members) from by through anyone or anything named or un named known or unknown 7 generations back. In Jesus name I bind up the principalities powers, rulers of the darkness of the world, spiritual wickedness & hosts in high places & the prince of the power of the air. In Jesus name I bind up the strongman, the old man, and every prince & stronghold, the spirit of the antichrist, every evil spirit and plague. In Jesus name I bind up the spirit of confusion delusion and illusion. In Jesus name I bind up the spirit of infirmity, sickness, disease, pain addiction, affliction, calamity, the devourer, the destroyer, the accuser the deceiver, the corrupter & every spirit of poverty. in Jesus name I bind up the spirit of __________, strife, division, back biting, gossip, critical & judgmental spirits, spirits of resistance and hindrances, every spirit of retribution, revenge & retaliation, and the lying , seducing, deceiving spirit of deception. (1 tim 4:1-2) in the name of Jesus I bind up every root of fear, doubt, unbelief, discouragement, & every deadly d from despair to depression, the spirit of pride, rebellion, disobedience,self, ego, independence, unforgivness, bitterness, lust and the flesh.
THE LORD JESUS CHRIST REBUKE YOU, YOU EVIL UNCLEAN SPIRITS (jude 9, Zech. 3:2) I loose in the name of Jesus Christ deliverance, freedom & liberation, peace, joy hope, gladness of heart, love healing, wholeness, mercy and grace. Blessing and favor. Restoration of the years that the locus have eaten (joel 2:25) the resurrection power of Jesus Christ, a might harvest and a boldness to witness for Christ. Amen, Amen!!!