Let Us Pray: God I ask in Jesus’ name, “Bless all those I love, care about (including myself), and the writer of this prayer with the desires of our hearts that is the will of God for our lives. Bless each of us to come to Know You, Love You, and walk in Obedience to Your Word and Will for our lives. Bless us to grow and continue growing in the knowledge of Your Son, Christ Jesus. Let Your Word dwell within us richly and be a lamp unto our feet, and a light unto our pathway. Bless us to always find ourselves walking under Your leadership, guidance, and protection. Heal and deliver us. Protect us from all evil. Let the desires and plans of our enemies of the Lord never come to reality in our lives. Let our enemies of the Lord’s plans against us always blow up and backfire in their face. Lord keep us, make Your face to shine upon us, and be gracious unto us. Lift up Your countenance upon us and give us great peace. God do this for us today and for always.†In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.