I said I wasn’t going to link to anymore videos, but this one reminded me of the first time I shouted/danced in church. I’ve watched it countless times; yet, each time, like a wave, the move of the Holy Spirit sets my soul on fire and my feet in motion.
I will never forget my first time. It was a typical Sunday, I had on my church uniform: clothes; shoes; purse; Christian face; the good book on my lap; and not a hair out of place as I exchanged pleasantries with other worshippers. Now, I wasn’t one to judge others who chose to indulge, but all that screaming and shouting just wasn’t my thing. I was that new breed of worshipper, sophisticated. Oh sure, I would stand, pat my foot, clap my hands, sing along, all at the appropriate times, of course. Why I would even wave my hands occasionally, but all in a dignified manner, of course; because, somebody I knew might be watching.
I was raised in the church, and had been a churchgoer for the better part of my adult life. I did church pretty well: sang in the choir, served in missions; and participated in various other activities. Though I was new to this church, that particular Sunday was expected to be no different from any other. Praise and worship was engaging, the prayer was moving, and the choir was on point, as usual; then the pastor stood to preach. I believe the message was entitled “Reasons;” illuminating God’s worthiness to be praised. The narrative chronicled the life of a 12-yr. old crippled boy who was always praising and giving God glory. One man, in particular just couldn’t understand it. So, he asked the little boy how he could be so grateful to a God who would leave him in his predicament. The boy responded, “because I learned my alphabet.” The man shook his head with a dismissive question mark, because now he assumed that the boy was mentally disabled, as well. But then, just as the boy had done, the pastor began to recite the alphabet; providing a corresponding reason for each letter. The further along the pastor went into the alphabet, the louder, and more undignified the congregation got. Everybody around me was standing, and many were shouting; but, I literally held on to my seat with my hands, because I knew if I tried to stand up I was gonna lose it, and make myself look crazy. I believe it was around about the letter “t” when I finally felt that it was safe to stand and clap: I looked to my left, then to my right and I began to stand; but, as I did, I made the mistake of glancing behind; just over my right shoulder, a young man, who couldn’t have been more than 16 or 17 years old was going in like the man in the tan suit on this video. Well, that was it! All I remember is, by the time I regained some semblance of composure, three sisters had formed a circle around me. At this point, the pastor had finished the base of the sermon and had given over to, what is known in the Black church as, “whooping.” Then the music started and so did I, again. I do believe if the benediction hadn’t been pronounced, I would still be at Greater Travelers Rest Missionary Baptist Church, right this minute, shouting.
You can call me a late bloomer if you want to; but, better late than never. Today I dance, shout and cry out because somebody I know is watching, His name is Jesus
Some might say, “it don’t take all that;” I agree: It takes all that, and more. I get it, some people need documentation. Well, here’s the “all that, and more,” documented:
Psalms 150
Praise ye the LORD. Praise God in his sanctuary: praise Him in the firmament of his power. Praise Him for his mighty acts: praise Him according to his excellent greatness. Praise Him with the sound of the trumpet: praise Him with the psaltery and harp. Praise Him with the timbrel and DANCE: praise Him with stringed instruments and organs. Praise Him upon the loud cymbals: praise Him upon the high sounding cymbals. Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.
I wonder, could this mindset be part of the REASON God called David “A man after my own heart?” This is why it’s not a good idea to judge someone else’s praise; you just never know, your deliverance could be released through their dance, especially if you don’t have a dance of your own.
Do you remember your first time?
I will never forget my first time. It was a typical Sunday, I had on my church uniform: clothes; shoes; purse; Christian face; the good book on my lap; and not a hair out of place as I exchanged pleasantries with other worshippers. Now, I wasn’t one to judge others who chose to indulge, but all that screaming and shouting just wasn’t my thing. I was that new breed of worshipper, sophisticated. Oh sure, I would stand, pat my foot, clap my hands, sing along, all at the appropriate times, of course. Why I would even wave my hands occasionally, but all in a dignified manner, of course; because, somebody I knew might be watching.
I was raised in the church, and had been a churchgoer for the better part of my adult life. I did church pretty well: sang in the choir, served in missions; and participated in various other activities. Though I was new to this church, that particular Sunday was expected to be no different from any other. Praise and worship was engaging, the prayer was moving, and the choir was on point, as usual; then the pastor stood to preach. I believe the message was entitled “Reasons;” illuminating God’s worthiness to be praised. The narrative chronicled the life of a 12-yr. old crippled boy who was always praising and giving God glory. One man, in particular just couldn’t understand it. So, he asked the little boy how he could be so grateful to a God who would leave him in his predicament. The boy responded, “because I learned my alphabet.” The man shook his head with a dismissive question mark, because now he assumed that the boy was mentally disabled, as well. But then, just as the boy had done, the pastor began to recite the alphabet; providing a corresponding reason for each letter. The further along the pastor went into the alphabet, the louder, and more undignified the congregation got. Everybody around me was standing, and many were shouting; but, I literally held on to my seat with my hands, because I knew if I tried to stand up I was gonna lose it, and make myself look crazy. I believe it was around about the letter “t” when I finally felt that it was safe to stand and clap: I looked to my left, then to my right and I began to stand; but, as I did, I made the mistake of glancing behind; just over my right shoulder, a young man, who couldn’t have been more than 16 or 17 years old was going in like the man in the tan suit on this video. Well, that was it! All I remember is, by the time I regained some semblance of composure, three sisters had formed a circle around me. At this point, the pastor had finished the base of the sermon and had given over to, what is known in the Black church as, “whooping.” Then the music started and so did I, again. I do believe if the benediction hadn’t been pronounced, I would still be at Greater Travelers Rest Missionary Baptist Church, right this minute, shouting.
You can call me a late bloomer if you want to; but, better late than never. Today I dance, shout and cry out because somebody I know is watching, His name is Jesus
Some might say, “it don’t take all that;” I agree: It takes all that, and more. I get it, some people need documentation. Well, here’s the “all that, and more,” documented:
Psalms 150
Praise ye the LORD. Praise God in his sanctuary: praise Him in the firmament of his power. Praise Him for his mighty acts: praise Him according to his excellent greatness. Praise Him with the sound of the trumpet: praise Him with the psaltery and harp. Praise Him with the timbrel and DANCE: praise Him with stringed instruments and organs. Praise Him upon the loud cymbals: praise Him upon the high sounding cymbals. Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.
I wonder, could this mindset be part of the REASON God called David “A man after my own heart?” This is why it’s not a good idea to judge someone else’s praise; you just never know, your deliverance could be released through their dance, especially if you don’t have a dance of your own.
Do you remember your first time?