Disciple of Prayer
astor Brian
ear Pastor Brian I would like for you to pray for me at the Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa Church on either 2/9/14 or 2/13/14.Since 1/5/6/14 I've been unable to Urinate.So on the 1/6/14 I went to the Hospital in an ambulance;and told the Dr./Nurse I couldn't Urinate & I wanted to be admitted/have my Uraligist look at me in the hospital & have him give me a Pubic Catheder Surgery.But they told me he retired.Anyway the Dr. sent me home with a Catheder in my Vaginal area, it HURTS! Now I'm waiting for my Kern Family Health Insurance to Authorize me to see Dr. Shaquira[uraligist] for the Pubic Catheder surgery, & my stay in the Hispital.I've had this catheder in me over a Month! And on thurs 1/30/14 I found out I have Bed Bug's.Please pray for my health/healing/god's will over your Microphone about all this.Or call me at 661-399-7516[and pray for what I asked above] over my message Center;it's on 24/7! And if you can give me any home remedies about the bed bug's/ what to do;with very little money! My christian friend told me about your show calvarychapelcostamesa I listen every Sunday morning from 11:15am - 12:30pm & I've been giving $5.00 to the general funds & $5.00 for the Missions area since 1/14;and I did another payment for the same areas/amount's.I'm sorry it's not much.I was getting made fun of at my church by the teen-ager's & young women.I have along with my Catheder Problem 11 Medical & 5 Mental Issues[not retarded!And if you Pastor Brian could read this & pray for me over your Microphone over the Radio from 11:15am - 12:30pm [i know U R going out of town]but maybe U could give me the gift of hearing U Pastor Brian Praying for me at the Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa Church either on 2/9/14 or 2/16/14.So U give me 1 of these gift's 1]Pray for me at your church over the Microphone on the dates above. 2]Call me & pray for me/give me some tip's that's R affordable for a Disabled 50 year old woman. 3]Write to me your prayer request as well From You Pastor Brian & The Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa Church, To: Elizabeth Guthrie 330 Robert's Ln Apt 3, Bakersfield, ca. 93308.If U could do the 1st 1 that would be the best 1.So for my Insurance Authorization & affordable tip's about the Bed Bug's.God Bless, You Pastor Brian, The Church, & The Whole World! Sister, Elizabeth