Humble Servant of All
My daughter keeps waking up with what I think is growing pains. She also wants just to be a baby all the time these days. And she is crying more and doesnt want to listen much. She is four. But she has also been through a lot. Please Lord, take her pain away. Let us figure this out so we can fix it. And please help me figure out what is wrong with her if something bad has happened to her. Please help me talk to her so she understands me and feel supported and loved. She is so easily shameful without having done anything. She is so sensitive. Please Jesus, help me help her. Help me lov her so she knows it. Forgive me for acting like a child sometimes during her tantruns. Her cries are so triggering. God please help me, so I dont traumatize her with my cptsd. Please help us. Amen