Disciple of Prayer
My daughter is married to a non-believer who is very abusive. They share 4 children together. These children witness this abuse on a daily basis. She is a believer and very conflicted and scared. This fear keeps her imprisoned to him. She had to stop attending church because he seemed as though he was on the verge of killing her. But not going to church has not lightened his abuse. Does God truly was us to stay in a marriage that is riddled with abuse. Her and her children are God's children yet she and the babies are living a life that has no love it from their father. All they ever see is their daddy hurting mommy. They cry out confused by all if this. And for me this is the worst because I'm seeing them go thru this. She is too scared to call 911 in fear it will only make the situation worse. She is too scared to leave because where will she go? She is afraid to speak to anyone about what she is going through in fear that he would find out and that might be what pushes him over the edge. He isolates her and the children. She is not allowed to go anywhere without his permission. And then he constantly calls every few minutes. My daughter lives in constant chaos. And this is not helping her in any way. Yet she hears about how you stick with a marriage no matter sermons...and it's very confusing that our Father in heaven would call us to be a doormat to an abuser. I need prayer as well because this is my daughter and grandkids, it's killing me to witness this abuse and not be able to make a difference.