Dear friends, please pray for my Daughter, ###, who is ### weeks pregnant and may be in need of a cerclage. They will know Thursday. She is in a difficult spot. We need prayers that she and baby girl, ###, is in God’s hands. He is forever faithful! My heart aches as she goes through this. Thank you, in advance, for your love and prayers!
EverPRESENT in Times of Trouble - gather this brood, as well, under your wings. Afford them -all- privileges available // under / according to GOD's given RIGHTEOUSNESS [ Repeat, unceasingly : I am GOD's RIGHTEOUSNESS - NOT because of me .... BUT because of HE! [ Take self-consecrated communion, along with grape juice, DAILY! As JESUS, as your High Priest, THANK, GOD! we are entitled. BULL DOGgedly BELIEVE / KNOW in this re-enacted greatest sacrifice's PROMISES ! ]