Beloved of All
Praise report: thnak you Lor dofr healign my facial boen s yesterda yin prayer aksign God to please forgive my sisn and heal my body of flehs eatign bloos disease casuig sepis and to heal broken rotten teeht depression and anxiety 35 not married no chidlren very isolated carign for my grandma in foreign coutnry and have severla phobia coorna phobia dirt germs phobia woud liek God ot heal my of physcial emotional pyscholoigal illnes for th eprase and glro yof ru ord Jeus HCirs ti feel very aloen have cassandra syndorem. askign God ot hela my moms brian and heal her body hela al metbaolic blodo disode rin fmaiyl. aksign the Lor dot heal my brothe rof histmiane intolerance and help himw ith his marriage and chidlren that hieh and his fmaiyl are all healht yhappy and hwole. aksign the Lor dot provide of rme a God fearign husband who kloves me and can provide for me an dprotect me need mriacle. aksign God to keep thisman faithfult oHIam nd to me and brig heaign thim is need be and direciton and guidance form God i pray He an dhis fmaiy ar elaways belssed. i I pray the lor ddlieve rmy grandma form dementia form allsickness and disease and brign helign toher blood eyes small bowel obstruciton syndorme and also for her kidneys and organs to work wonderfully, ipray for her salvation merry heart and alsot hat he Lor dotuches her wiht and giv eher His hOy spsiirt. 4 i hebeen down about my age and i ask the Lor dot brign helaign . i feel old at 35 and liek a failure. i feel liek lost and insecure . aksign God to brign healign ointo me an dhela all broken missing teethp ieces caviites rotted teeht tbe heled an dbroken heart dissapoitnment.Lor dmake soemhtig greatof my life and please forgiv emy sisn. 5 i aks the Lor dot do allinyhis power to dleive rmy dad form homlessnes. i aks him the Lor dot giv emy sdad best benfit s tht ar epossibela nd God does all in HIs power and soon to give my dad the bast benefits for seniors ( he is homeless and los incoem. aksign the or dto pelas ebrign him ehelp surroudn heim wiht lobley htougths posisituivts and true friends formt eh Lor dtht he Lor dkeep s himw arm and bprotec thimf rom lle ivla nd dnager that the Lord provide sofr lal his needs. that the Lor dwil bring joy healht hapiness fianciaรฉ help to him and my whoel fmaiyl. Lor dpleae heal all autism heart related all health probles in my fmaiyl dleiver us form genraitonal surses and satnaic opression. please strgnthen us where we are weak brign us the hope and helaign that we need. Lor dmany hard years . pelase restore what he locusts have eaten. please help those who ar epoor and needy and help mew ith my tasks today. aksign for help cleanign glass shards and leaves and all that needs ot be clean diarpers and pleas ebrign joy itno our live sliek neevr before . i pray this for allpeopel. pelase guide election in us may the president be who you want to be. also brign healign to my life liek neevr before speka tome abotu what ouy clal em to do help em not wast eYOur tiem Lord. please keep all peoeplw arm brign helaign tot he sick pleawee bles smy partnes and fmaiyl with logn happy God honourign life blessed mentally physciall emotionalyl spiritually. please use my fmaiyl greatly to bless the world us eus ofr oyu rglroy please help us to knwo wha tour clalgin is and ot glorify oyu only. pelas eb with em when i am getitgn package and giv em the wisodm what o say. help me take car eof myself. take away genral anxiety.. please bless my hubby the formt e Lor diwht great finacial succes wisdom ehalign helaB if you has asperger yndorm ehalhis brian . help em clena afte rmyself. help em wiht my depression.. nto mine take away allt he depression form me and unclena thoguths pelase bless my lfie liek jabez brign healign and wisodm and speak ceary to me. help em clean the house. help meme help my fmaiy. brgin us joy brign blessign sbrign hpe and helaign heal my brokenbitt rheart . be wiht em and my fmaiyl in avery strgonw ay today. may oyu have ll the pria eand glroy. heal our lives hela my dads broken heart bidn up his owunds brign him hope joy liek enevr before same with my mom grandma myslef and lalepoel. make a way Lor dan di aks if you arew illign cna i patent myinvention? le tme knwo what oyur IWll is and hoyw i can make money as well. forgive my sisn an dkeep my dad warm safe and plenty of oxygen to his heart n dbrian alsohelp em care ofr my grandma giv em the desire to and hep me to be strogn turn our lives aorund Lor dprosper us andforgive my em nto feel so aloen ine my situaiton. shien light into my lfie hel us hela those huritng an dneeding love. surorudn emand my da dmom brother momsister in awl neic enephew wiht your holy angels protec tus ofrm harm and brign helaign to or lives joy liek never befor ei ask this for lalepoel. dleiver me form al healht issues blood isses pernantly healed by HIs stripe si am healed. please pelase brig helaign itno all lvies an dend coorna phobia all wars alle vil. please destory the works of the deivl in my life partnes lives my grandma my brother Bs life. dleive rhim form smkoign andahchalism heal his brian ( development healhis life ina major was giv ehim merr yheart. giv eus all emrr yhearts toda.y ahela lal who have cancer diabetes insispidus diabetes metbaolic acidosis blood diesease helamygrandmas eye pelase giv ehr bakc her coulour heal al atrophy. make it easier to care for her strneghten and heal her dleive rher bowels form aleivl dleive rher flesh form alleivl and infciton touch anc hela all ehr woudls skin forgive my sins pleas giv ehe rbes tof the bes tclothig eas to care for her matrsses and so we cna go otu giv em the emitonal support and encouragement i nee din my lfie wiht her and for my mom tooa nd dad andbrother snadnsiste irn alwa giv eu emotinal support encourgaemnt hiope send holy angels triliosn ot misniter to us all help me preach gsoepl help me and us all o beliver in you Lord . help us develope a real realtionshipw ith oyu lord. help em nto eb so disspointed. please giv em mroe strenght. deive rme form alleivl in my lfie and may all in my fmaiyl do that which is pelase ing and acceptbal ein your sight correct us ad guide us gently warms .Giv emw ha ti need for healign and do the same for lalfmaiylmemebrs and for allreltive sblessan dprotec tus form the deivl and pelas erovide us for all oru need shelp my dad hget best best oldage security befis and also rtirment money and cheap affordbale housing oson dleive rhim form homlessnes pelas eproivde us wiht happy lives. please hel my realtionshipw ith my mothe rn dhela me form the deestangin wy i idd not take car eof myslef. make it eas yfo rme ot take car eofmyself and fmaiyl make it easier osmehow for me to enjoylife go otu sid emroe take grandma out side easier to clena he rto wahs her feed her make caregiivne funa nd easy pelase make it easier and nt that im thinging sad htoght in my head giv em loenly thguths giv em th elov ei need Lr dos i can giv eot other bkless me so i cna bles others same with all my fmaily memebrs prosper my fmail in our heaht and ifnances an dspsiirtual discenr wha tisoyur IWll ehlp us fidn you Lord and fall inlvoe iwht he ture YOu.dleive rme form asperger syndorm when it coems ot YOu Lord. please dleive rme form allmy fear anxieties help emwiht my work pleas thnak you inthenameo fthe Lord Jue schirs ti pra.y giv eplent fo helaign joy merr yheart love into my dads heart blesshims end trillions of holy angels do allinyur power to get himt he right medicla attention if necessary protec thim and all peoel form accident death and clamity. please