Humble Servant of All
My company has called asking me to change sponsorship to another sponsor or=
willHave to leave the country in 2 weeks as this is the Govt. rule. I had =
sent an email to My CEO requesting to stay under the company sponsorship fo=
r some more time and if possible to provide a suitable=C2=A0job. CEO is bei=
ng approached by his secretary and I have told that I will be given final w=
ord by tomorrow. Please pray for a favorable answer to stay under the curre=
nt sponsorship or be given a job for a=C2=A0term.=C2=A0
My other option is to change sponsorship to my Neighbour company and find s=
ome work to carry onWorking. I Am meeeting with our friend today.=C2=A0
Pray for answer to our longing to continue here in Qatar for a little more =
time before going back to India.
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
willHave to leave the country in 2 weeks as this is the Govt. rule. I had =
sent an email to My CEO requesting to stay under the company sponsorship fo=
r some more time and if possible to provide a suitable=C2=A0job. CEO is bei=
ng approached by his secretary and I have told that I will be given final w=
ord by tomorrow. Please pray for a favorable answer to stay under the curre=
nt sponsorship or be given a job for a=C2=A0term.=C2=A0
My other option is to change sponsorship to my Neighbour company and find s=
ome work to carry onWorking. I Am meeeting with our friend today.=C2=A0
Pray for answer to our longing to continue here in Qatar for a little more =
time before going back to India.
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone