I dont know why i feel in the Spirit that you should leave Rwanda. Like prosperity is waiting on You somewhere else. But please pray about it and search God for confirmation. I just feel bad spiritual atmosphere in Rwanda. Maybe visiting TB Joshua or to to Nigeria where there are many Christians and some good churches with power. Also i heard about Adeboye, Oyedepo...
God bless and protect your children and May God PLANT You where He wants to plant You and May You Prosper in that land in the name of Jesus.
God Will lead You if You are devoted to Him and search for Him. Seek and you Will find Him.Β
Read Jeremiah 33:3. This is your scripture to for this season.Β
Find every scripture that Will Bring to reality your needs. Like: if You abide in Him and my words in You, ask whatever You want andbit Will be granted unto you.Β
Developp a faith for receiving a promise that God showed You in the Bible.
Scriptures for faith.
Ask for special favor for God to deliver You into your promised land. Grace/anointing for crossing over the river of Jordan and stepping into your promised land, land of Milk and honey.Β
To protect yourself and your children while You are waiting Listen to this every morning twice in the row and once in the evening before bed. It Will give much more then protection, deliverance and guidance and blessing if You stick to it till You experience a Great breakthrough.
Powerful prayers of warfare applying the blood of Jesus for ...
God bless you and lead You by the hand!