Beloved of All
My brother and his girlfriend have an unhealthy relationship and it's causing him to make bad decisions. He facetimes her all day and night except when he's working. Even when they take naps they're facetiming. He's not pursuing other interests. He stopped doing the things he's passionate about. He stays up all night and sleeps in the day to facetime her. He's not eating well. She doesn't want him to go to college because he might meet someone else. He's not spending time with his friends or meeting new people. She just graduated high school and he's only a little older. She's not saved. They recently got engaged. My moms talking to him today. Please pray that it will go well and God will intervene and not let there be fighting or division in our family. Please God don't let him marry her if it's not your will. Please Jesus open his eyes, ears, mind, and heart to you. Help him surrender his life and decisions to you. Help Mom say the right things. Help us all witness powerfully and lovingly, in your name, Jesus, amen