PraySite Requests
My beloved husband has left me 10 mounth ago.
The problem between us was, that he allowed other wimen to speak bad about me and our relationship, although they didn`t know me or have ever seen me, like his exfiance. Although this woman is married now after the broken fiance with my husband Stefan,she doesn`t let him go, is always around him by telefon calls and E mails. She is thinking that she must take care of Stefan and give her advices to him.
That hurt me very much. There are also some other wimen around him, which were trying to bind Stefan and keep him away from me.
Stefan always became angry, when I was telling him, that this hurts me. I wanted him to protect our really very glad relasionship, and that he will protect me from every evel toungh, which is coming against me, started by his mother, to his ex fiance and some other.
Please pray for Stefan, that he can repent and recognize, that a marriage is holy before the lord, and something very private and that he hurt me so much. Please pray, that Stefan can repent and turn to the way of the lord.
Please pray, that his proud will break, and that he will stop all contact to this ex fiance and all these other wimen; please pray that the lord would rise up a great disire to be reconciled and being together with me again. He has closed every door for me and told me not to contact him anymore. All that I can do is pray and cry to god, for rightesness, peace , reconcilation and renewing of our reltionship and of our love.
Please pray, that Stefan will come back to me. Stefan is absolutely unic and so precous for me and I love him.
I thank you. The lord bless you all.
The problem between us was, that he allowed other wimen to speak bad about me and our relationship, although they didn`t know me or have ever seen me, like his exfiance. Although this woman is married now after the broken fiance with my husband Stefan,she doesn`t let him go, is always around him by telefon calls and E mails. She is thinking that she must take care of Stefan and give her advices to him.
That hurt me very much. There are also some other wimen around him, which were trying to bind Stefan and keep him away from me.
Stefan always became angry, when I was telling him, that this hurts me. I wanted him to protect our really very glad relasionship, and that he will protect me from every evel toungh, which is coming against me, started by his mother, to his ex fiance and some other.
Please pray for Stefan, that he can repent and recognize, that a marriage is holy before the lord, and something very private and that he hurt me so much. Please pray, that Stefan can repent and turn to the way of the lord.
Please pray, that his proud will break, and that he will stop all contact to this ex fiance and all these other wimen; please pray that the lord would rise up a great disire to be reconciled and being together with me again. He has closed every door for me and told me not to contact him anymore. All that I can do is pray and cry to god, for rightesness, peace , reconcilation and renewing of our reltionship and of our love.
Please pray, that Stefan will come back to me. Stefan is absolutely unic and so precous for me and I love him.
I thank you. The lord bless you all.