[SIZE=18pt]Holy Father, Immortal, from whom all goodness and gentleness comes, penitently this parent prays Thee for their children whom Thou hast given them to bear. Keep them in Thy grace and holiness, that Thy name may be glorified in them. Direct them by Thy grace to raise their children toward the glory of Thy holy name and the benefit of other people. Grant them the gift of the patience necessary to do so. O Lord, enlighten the mind of these children with Thy Wisdom to learn to love Thee in their souls and thoughts. Instil in their hearts the fear and abhorrence of every vice, that they may be able to go the right way without sin. Adorn their souls with purity, goodness, humility, diligence, patience, and every virtue. Guard their lips from all slander and lies. Bless these children, that they may progress in virtue and holiness, and grow under Thy care into honest people. Protect them in their youth from misleading thoughts, from the evil and sinful temptations of this world, and from the traps of all unclean spirits. And when these children sin before Thee, do not turn away Thy face from them, but according to Thy great mercy be merciful unto them, for Thou alone art the one who cleansesth people from all sin. Reward these children with worldly good things and everything they need for salvation. Keep them from wrath, anger, misfortune, evil, and suffering all the days of their lives. O good Lord, I pray Thee, grant this parent joy and happiness from their children. Keep them in righteousness and justice, that with Thy children they may stand before Thee in the day of Thy dreaded judgment, and that without fear they may say: Here I am, Lord, with the children whom Thou hast given me, that together with them I may praise Thy most holy name of the Father and Son and Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages. Amen.[/SIZE]