Hello again from sister Michelle and kitten Whitepaw. Give thanks for answered prayers and miracles for all now. Thanks to God and HIs faithful prayer warriors here and elsewhere. Whitepaw is at the window as I type this. WAtching and patiently waiting for the postman or delivery day. The long anticipated lol day of his harness and lead has dawned. He had a reward of a tinkling little bell too for waiting patiently. Also a gentle warning for any of our feathered friends - the singing birds.
My lovely handcrafted braclet from my Christian brother in Ghana is completed and ready to be posted. I sent a photo to my family to see if they would like one each or something similar. We were told by our Creator to each choose a gift as a celebration of our wonderful inheritance. We recently redsicovered we are lost Hebrew Israelites. Tribe of Dan only pale face tribe. From Ireland Scotland and Wales. Also surviving genetic attempted murder through Morgellons. Has a NASA connection so any one want to play that song - fly me to the moon and back, holla back we do our best to sort you a ride in any spaceship we may or may not have Yah willing lol.
Last but not least we give thanks for our YouTube 104 subscribers and counting up. We are also making a dent in the housework at last.
Blessings praeyr warriors be grateful humble and blessed. amen/
My lovely handcrafted braclet from my Christian brother in Ghana is completed and ready to be posted. I sent a photo to my family to see if they would like one each or something similar. We were told by our Creator to each choose a gift as a celebration of our wonderful inheritance. We recently redsicovered we are lost Hebrew Israelites. Tribe of Dan only pale face tribe. From Ireland Scotland and Wales. Also surviving genetic attempted murder through Morgellons. Has a NASA connection so any one want to play that song - fly me to the moon and back, holla back we do our best to sort you a ride in any spaceship we may or may not have Yah willing lol.
Last but not least we give thanks for our YouTube 104 subscribers and counting up. We are also making a dent in the housework at last.
Blessings praeyr warriors be grateful humble and blessed. amen/