Humble Prayer Warrior
Morning prayer team, Just seems the enemy has got me in his sights lately. I live across the street from a neighborhood park, which the city took over from 2010, and uses for little kids soccer games. About 6 years ago they brought in these huge soccer nets and butted them up against the fence across the street from my house and one across the park. These are for adults, which shouldn't be there. These older guys kick the balls so hard they come into my yard and hit my windows and car. I have fought with the city for several years to move it where the balls can't come into my yard. These guys climb my fence and ring my doorbell to come get their balls. When I had a hip replacement they were ringing my bell when I was trying to rest. The city guy finally moved the bar which has no net in it anymore last year and it has been wonderful. Someone Saturday night moved it back over to where it is across from my living room again. I emailed the guy who moved it last year and hoping he will deal with it again. If God's angels would just get rid of it once and for all, that would be great. Favor the city guy will move it to another place in the park. Thank you P