Good and Faithful Servant
More on gangstalkers etc... Scripture says anything not of forgiveness is sin. Gangstalkers are usually vigilantes and therefore what they do is torment since they are hidden to the people and they have to find ways to find and know who they are since all they do is remotely like v2k and other things they're bigger sinners than most. v2k is torment since you hear crap that's unnatural in your head or ears. Mines in my ear along with tons of subliminal crap that tries to make me believe in a whole lot of garbage that isn't possible unless you think it is. I've proven v2k as real since I can record it and people have heard the voices in it but nothing else is. Most what I mean is they think they have the right to do this for some whacko Justice thing they call it, but it's not! It's revenge pure and simple plus is terrorism and torment and rape electronically and more. It violates your rights since people go out of their way to abuse technology and abuse you 24/7. Some have lived this nightmare for 30 years or more lost wives and friends and some have been murdered which is the worst. They don't deserve mercy for they give none. I can be suffering at my worst and instead of letting up it will double down on wanting me to commit some crime or end up in a mental ward. Absolutely unforgivable in my book given what it does and how it does it. But God does say if they repent then forgive them, but my guess is they wont. But again as I said being a vigilante in any form makes you worse than someone who just stole your car or bike. I'd rather forgive that than these evil people. I know don't judge but anyone who send you subliminal messages just to try and control you from a distance using technology an then their goal is to kill you eventually or try your evil and need taken out like garbage. hearing a person mouth over your head is sickening hearing a subtle voice telling you things you shouldn't have to hear and all using RF and WIFI signals is maddening. I have to tell myself all the time knowing now that they're using subliminal messages to make me hear and believe what they want all day to myself to not hear it it's not real don't listen to it don't believe in what it says constantly now. I have proof of this too listen to this please Video link
you will hear some guy or someone whispering into a mic in this in two or more spots. That's what v2k is it's send into your head or ear and noise. Mine is 24/7 it's music with drums that vibrate the hell out of me but I've been trying to escape the subliminal part of it and as I said I have to tell my self to not listen don't hear don't believe or some other thing to undo their crap it's evil and unrelentless. I've found some sources like the Military and Navy so I've made attempts to stop them. But I need to hunt them down. They need to see the inside of a prison cell. This is not leading to captivity it's me liberating myself then dong unto her the whore what she's done to me. I believe it's time for other Targeted individuals if they are to take a stand stop playing games. Get your evidence as I'm doing then if you have to since most lawyers wont take these cases, be our own. Send these evil sob's to prison then when Jesus returns they will go to the lake of fire. Again if you don't show mercy but this case we can't unless they actually repent which they don't show any signs of doing so but if they do then we show mercy but only then.' So I pray I guess for Gang stalkers to repent but If the wont then for God to bring down his wrath upon them as they deserve! AMEN!