Disciple of Prayer
My landlord, who has keys to where I live, plans to lock me out on Monday, February 13, 2017 and destroy and discard over 95% of my personal belongings. This includes my all of my records (both shellac & vinyl), my CD, DVD, and VHS collection, my video cameras, my still cameras (including one that I can take a picture twice in the same frame, e.g., taking a picture of a person in two different positions resulting in a picture where it looks like a picture of identical twins), my stamp collection, my irreplaceable pictures Including over 100 year (ca. 1910) old only picture I have of my mother's sister, a large number of pictures taken of my mother, uncle, and grandmother in the 1920's, 1930's and 1940's, and thousands of other family pictures, including one of my ex-slave great-grandfather, over 90% of my clothing, shoes, watches, all of my furniture, including antique furniture, etc. I lack money to move, and so far, I am set to become homeless. I fear that there is no way that Jesus Christ can help me with my housing and my losing my irreplaceable personal possessions problem. My prayers for my situation has so far been in vain. I also will lose work equipment, such as lawn mowers, ladders (including extension ladder set), electric drills, hammers, screw drivers, various types of saws, grass and hedge trimmers, pruners, axes, auto and engine repair tools, etc., also I will lose a car, a station wagon, and two bicycles. (Where I am being evicted from has a three car garage.) I ask that you pray that Jesus performs a divine miracle for me on the double, unless it is impossible for Him to perform such a miracle. I pray that Jesus Christ will choose me to do His will and will choose me to take part in expanding His Kingdom, but if He destroys what I need to do His will, then how can I do anything for Jesus Christ? Matthew 17:27 reads (New International Version): “But so that we may not cause offense, go to the lake and throw out your line. Take the first fish you catch; open its mouth and you will find a four-drachma coin. Take it and give it to them for my tax and yours.” Can Jesus Christ perform a similar miracle like that for me, whereby he provides out of nowhere, the money I need to get the owner of the property where I live to cancel the Franklin County Sheriff eviction notice that he requested by a court order, be served to me by a Franklin County Deputy Sheriff. By the “writ of possession” order of the Franklin County Deputy Sheriff, I am required to vacate the property before February 13, 2017.