Beloved of All
Priase report: forst off iw oudl liekt ot hank God for all the mriacle she has been doign in or lvies. grandma seems ot have giane dosme weight oprais egod i also have recieved helaign of boens and felsh . I ask God to hela my mom today sheedd spracyers protect she is ignt he the denits.t aksign the Lor dto surorund ehr with HOly angels dentist holy angel staff eevryone nice all peoel ebforced ot do Gods Will. Lor dplease do allinyour power to helamy mosmteeth gums heart boens and also my dad to ened helaign of teeht brother V Bmyelsf B as well nee dhelaign miralc eof dentla flehs. what the enemy stolel pelas eigv ebakc Lord We love oyu. thanky u. also i need dleiverance form coorna phobia dirm germs glas shard phobia and touching contmainate dobjects. its really har don me. hand wahsing mysle fofr years we dont leave hou eof ryears we we sanitze wiht wate robject sna fodo cause dhuge mold in ashamed im ahsamed . btu need helaign form entla illness. pleas ealso pray m moms brian get smiraculously healed today by God that heal heal her form asperger snyodmr emidn blindness and mybrothe rand b too and all peoel swjoneed helaign. Lord please safley rmeove the malgamfillign soyu want. please dont allow my moms teeth gum bone or any othe rarea of her bod yor life ot be damage by the enemy ever. pelase resotreher bod ylife and ressurect new teeth please be wiht her and us eher greatly to glorify OYu lord. i thanky u Lor dand aks for helaign of all who need dnetl amiracle nd new limbs regrown lepers those affected ba diabete snew and meatlocui dosorder sbe held int hename of the Lor dJeus Chris tpleas ermeov eall sugr related disode rin my lfieheal my dad high him stbal einsulin adn stbale blod sugar heale dmemoitons adn alld ehydration isses be heale din my fmaiyl incluidn baby nephe win womb and siste irn law all dehydraiton and root caus etherof by heale dby the blood of the Lor dJesuis CHris tno weapon formed agaisn tus prosper. Lord please heal us and forgtive us aour sins. lead us int o the wa ywe shoudl go pelase take full control ove rmy flif emy paetnts rbtoher siste irn alw aneice and nephew and rgandma and B ahis fmaily brign us helaign adn salvaiotn in every are aof oyur life. pleas eotuch and heal regenrate new neteeht gusm and boens formy mom. pleas ehal my of type one diabete isnulin reisstanc eself hatred jelously and all bittenress anxiety all fear and eivl and dmentia leave my fmaiyla dn also autisma dn communciation sdisdrs emotioanl disoder leave all peopel today and alway sint henameo fhte lor djues Christ. no ocnfusion for anyone today may we all ehal form God clearly adn be aboe ot commucniate clealry wiht hima nd each other. in thenameo fthe Lor dJeus Chirs ti cast out all confusion form evewroyne omind int henamoe fthe Lor dJeu CHris.t Lord be wiht my mother and safely rmeove all unclean spirits out of her and the dneitast and allpope ther.e may al peoepla t the clinic be heale dnow int ehnameof the Lord Jeus Chrst tby the power of the Lamighty. thanky u Lord Jeus chirs.t i aks for healign and abudnant life for lal my brohters and isters. pelase hela all who ar ien hosotiaal and help us sttrenghtne us ot do Thy WIll.t he yWIl eb doen Lord the Kingdom ocme and dleive rus ofrm the devilslies and traps and deception amy we knwo the WIll fo god and hearked and obye do all inyour power to do this. ipray this for my hubyba s well. tell my hubby form Chirs ti lvoe Him imwaiting for hima dn pryinf gor him. may the Lord also heal and dleiver all my fmaily membters form all evil in thenamoe fthew Lord Jue sChrist. Lor dhela and dliever B form all evil. giv eus all wisdom giv ehte dentist wisodm form heaven may God be glorified wher emy mom goes. Lor dbe iwht her and protec ther form the enemy do all inyour powere ot proctehe ran dhela her an dbelss her Lord and all the powpe there to alnd al peole.. thanky ou. also pelase dleiver B form smkign alchhalism al ungodly habits and roots caus ehteir of bfรณully dleiveranc eiprlead oyu rholy blod upon him. Lor dprotec htism and hkepe him safe and help hima nd giv ehimt he joyb you want him to do. thanky oualso i pray ofr His etenrla slavaiotna nd CHrist also for my parents fmaiyl has suffered much due ot illness and aksign God to giv emy mom His salvaiton and a dental mriacle at the office . yes or before. Lor dall thigns are possibel with you. pleas eb wiht my mom Lord Jeus Chirs the dentist . please only allow what YOU want oden at that appointment. protec tmy moms teeth gums mouth and all dentla flehs body midn emotiotions everyhtign protect her form evilby your Holy blood. pelas ehal her.also i am nee dhelaign form felhjs eatign bacteira. pelase helpLord dleiver my fmaiyl froma ll kidn sof flehs eatign bacteria please and take away type oen diabetes. Please aksign for miracle