Shaun’s Savior is Jesus Christ
Prayer Warrior
I’ve been praying to God for over 13 months now. I have a mystery ailment attacking my head that is causing pain throughout my entire body. I am dizzy all day, long my head, neck, chest, abdomen, arms, and legs are all in pain and I’m having issues breathing. The doctors and specialists cannot diagnose what is happening. I received a prayer list today and I don’t even know if I could pray for all of these other people because God has not answered my prayer. I have another prayer that I’ve been praying for 18 years, Acne scarring, deformed nose which God has not answered either. So Satan, the accuser keeps telling me God will never answer my prayers. I love God, the Father, our savior Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. I’m quoting Bible verses at Satan and I don’t even want to deal with him. I mainly talking to God and Jesus Christ, asking for an answer to my prayers and to show Satan that He does answer. But after more than 13 months of every day, feeling like I’m going to die, it takes a toll on you. Lord God, I’m going to believe in you until I go into the grave—I don’t see why You would not want to heal me of this horrible condition. I am living with. Please Lord heal me so I could go back to my job helping other people, my money is getting tight because I haven’t worked in a year now. I promise to let everyone know if God heals me that I would contact them to let them know He did it. Thank you all so much. Jesus is Lord whether He hears me or not.