Please join your faith with mine to petition The Lord God allmighty in the name of Jesus for a miraculous miracle of reconcilation between my exfiance Chloe and I; and restoration of our relationship if it be God's will. I believe there was an demonic assignment of the enemy to brake Chloe and I up. The enemy plaqued me with jealous thoughts, made me quick tempered, and over arguementive. Chloe who had many deep wounds and these wounds stirred up of the enemy, closed down towards me. Chloe opened up to another man Jeremy who she works with, used of the enemy, and was cheating on me for well over a year starting in May of 2010.
To add injury to insult, Chloe is making up lies born of irrational fear thinking I may harm her and is seeking a restraining order against me. I have a court hearing on Friday 03/09/2012. The Lord God as my witness I have never laid a hand on Chloe, threathened her in anyway, or destroyed her property! I had to go get a lawyer, and my response to her lies are noted below. I forgive Chloe. I still love Chloe, and if she got right with God, I would take her back. It would be an excellent testimony!
Please pray that the Vengeance of God will come down on his lost sheep Chloe with chastisement bringing her to her senses in repentance! Please pray the the vengeance of God will come down on the tempter/deciever/seducer/enticer/manlipalator Jeremy who caused Chloe to cheat on me be punished! Please pray that the relationship between Chloe & Jeremy born of deception, lies, and my heart brake will not be allowed to prosper!
Please pray the enemy tatics to keep Chloe in bondage/sin living with Jeremy is foiled of God, that Chloe will be saved, that the relationship between Chloe & Jeremy will not prosper/they be broken up/severed/torn apart, Chloe & Jeremy no longer live together, Chloe & Jeremy no longer work together, Chloe & Jeremy have no more emotional/romantic or any bond/attachment/involvement, that if it God would restore Chloe & I/Clemont, and that Chloe & I would be friends regardless. Pray that Chloe will not get pregnant by Jeremy, if Chloe is not with me that she would be with a Christian man, and Chloe will not be with Jeremy regardless. That Chloe would either be my proverbs 31 woman wife, or my sister in Christ. Pray that I will not have a retraining order placed againt me. Please pray that my response here will prosper:
Will the court please remind Miss Chloe Olsen that she is signing her name under penalty of perjury as Chloe is making totally false statements born of a irrational fear from her guilty cheating conscious, fearing I would retaliate from knowing she had been cheating for a over a year, now making up lies to deceive the court, as well as justify her behavior towards me. The only thing true is I did go to her job once, and to her new home with the person, she cheated with once. I did not follow her. I looked Jeremy Antonio up on Mylife.com. I never threatened Chloe or did anything violent at any time during or after our relationship. Chloe is making up total lie’s, and it is not right to try to paint me as a monster when I was so good to her, to make herself not feel bad for cheating on me, cruelly braking up with me without any explanation or heart to heart talk, sending me away in less than five minutes, after a four year eight month relationship where I had much invested much in my love, time, fiancé’s, and emotional energy, where we were engaged to be married, and I truly deeply loved her. I went to seek answers, see if we could work things out, and/or get a proper closure type conversation. I was peaceful. I never even raised my voice. I was non-violent and nonthreatening. She didn’t want to talk, I left when yelled at to leave, and have not tried to contact her since the two incidents. On February 13th I called once. On February 14 th I went to her job in the morning once. She was not there. It’s not unusual for me to go to her job as I was picking her up from there and visiting her there a lot throughout our relationship. I was only there for 20 minutes; I had to go to work myself that morning, and called her job three times that morning to make sure I didn’t miss her. I have not been back to her job or called her since. On February 14 th I also sent one last email on which I did not threaten, but just express my hurt feelings regarding her cheating on me. On February 15th I went to the person she cheated with Jeremy’s house where she now lives’ once. I have not been back or tried to contact her in anyway. I accept it over between us, and will stay away. I just wanted to talk, seek answers, see if there was something still there, and or have a healing closure type moment where we ended things in peace, wishing each other well, and going out as friends at least. I was calm and totally peaceful, not threatening or violent. Please do not allow Chloe to slander my name. It’s not right or fair. A restraining order is not necessary and only adds further insult to injury to hurt or limit my career. I am the true victim here. I have never hit Chloe, touched her to harm her in anyway, nor have I ever destroyed any property of Chloe’s. It is all lies. For Chloe to say such a lie is totally demeaning, insulting, and devaluing of the love I had for her. I doted on Chloe. I give her all my love with all my heart and soul. I was always there for her, helping her out financially, giving her rides (she does not drive), and spending lots of money taking her and her daughter out to lots of places. I lived and breathed the relationship with Chloe. I thought this was our year to get a house, and get married. The worst I have done to Chloe was yell at her while we were still together which was rare, and I’m not proud of. Chloe has yelled and cursed at me far worse that anything I ever said to her. We mostly argued about her saying I was jealous, but know I know I had cause for concern.
On Oct 26, 2011, Chloe called to tell me she took a picture with this rapper ‘Too Short’ at her job. I did get jealous, over react, and yell at her for taking the photo and of course deeply regret acting out the way. I just didn’t like the idea of my fiancée taking a picture with a rapper famous for degrading women with the over use of the ‘B’ word. I yelled but have never ever sought to do Chloe any harm. I would have given my life to protect Chloe. I would fight to protect her honor. I could never harm Chloe in any way. I loved her too much for that. A week later on November 2, 201, I go to Chloe’s old Garden Grove home in Tarzana and she brakes up with me in a cruel way yelling, cursing, and not even wanting to talk in depth to make peace, work things out, or have a proper closure discussion. She spent less than five minutes braking up with me. I then back off thinking I would let her cool down and come around. I do all I can to give her space. I send her a happy Thanksgiving email to which she did not respond. I continue to back off and on December 9 th I reinvite her to celebrate my moms birthday as we normally do with a call and email explaining my great love for her, and continued apology’s. I buy Christmas presents for Chloe, her sister, and daughter, continue to back off, and did not call her for Christmas. New Years Eve and New Year’s Day comes and goes with no contact. I then try to call on Jan 16, 2012, and send a long email expressing my great love for her, how I have been growing into a better person, and my hopes for our life together. Still no response. I try calling on Jan 24 or so, and send out the longest and most intimate email yet describing my great love for her, how I would treat her, treasure her, and how I want us to be back on track for marriage and home ownership this year. Still not a courtesy response. My heart was badly hurting/broken, and with so much love for Chloe, and not a proper goodbye, I sought out the truth. I found out she had been cheating and that was the real reason of the brake up. I accept that the relationship is over, am not a threat to Chloe or Atela that I loved as a daughter, and will stay away from her. It is not necessary for Chloe to lie and sign her name to commit perjury, slander, character assassination, and hurt my career opportunity’s because her guilty conscience has her fearful. I am not a threat, and will keep away from her. She has deceived me, hurt me in cruel fashion the way she broke up with me, and now she wants to cost me my job or advancement on my job? She had someone from her job call and talk to the top manager. I suffer the humiliation of having a sheriff serve me at work, and then I am in a meeting with both my supervisor, and the highest manger in the office. Her lies could of cost me my job. Its not fair for Chloe to be able to lie and threaten my career and future success because she cheated and she is sacred I would do something. Chloe didn’t move to get away from me, she moved because of her on going financial problems, her sister who she lived with not carrying her weight with the rent/expenses, and the problems she complained about at the Garden Grove house. She was talking about moving while we were still together. I always knew of Jeremy Antonio a guy she worked with who she swore was just a friend, and a friend she would stop talking to, to focus more attention on me, “Not letting anything come between†us she said. I trusted and believed her when I had suspicion; but choose to think the best of her, have faith in her. All the statements of weapons used with bats, and hands are lies. I have never been violent with Chloe. I did not try to brake into her home. Chloe & Jeremy were outside, Atela was not with them. I walked up to Jeremy, shook his hand, and said, “I guess she choose you. Take care of her. I was with Chloe for nearly five years, and love her very much. I just needed closure.†Jeremy looked into my eyes long and hard and abruptly walked away leaving Chloe and me alone. I never raised my voice; I made peace with the guy who tempted Chloe away. Jeremy knew I was not a threat because why would he leave Chloe alone with me if I was? Chloe felt comfortable enough to yell at me, curse at me, while alone with me outside. I never so much as raised my voice. I never threatened Chloe. I only wanted to see if we could yet work things out, seek answers, or get a proper closure. I thought we had something special where we could at least have a good talk and part in peace, and even still be friends. I am not a threat, Chloe should be reminded that she signed her name under penalty of perjury, and not allowed to try to hurt me further after cheating on me, braking my heart and ruin my life costing me job opportunity’s or advancement on my job. Please do not grant an unnecessary retraining order.
To add injury to insult, Chloe is making up lies born of irrational fear thinking I may harm her and is seeking a restraining order against me. I have a court hearing on Friday 03/09/2012. The Lord God as my witness I have never laid a hand on Chloe, threathened her in anyway, or destroyed her property! I had to go get a lawyer, and my response to her lies are noted below. I forgive Chloe. I still love Chloe, and if she got right with God, I would take her back. It would be an excellent testimony!
Please pray that the Vengeance of God will come down on his lost sheep Chloe with chastisement bringing her to her senses in repentance! Please pray the the vengeance of God will come down on the tempter/deciever/seducer/enticer/manlipalator Jeremy who caused Chloe to cheat on me be punished! Please pray that the relationship between Chloe & Jeremy born of deception, lies, and my heart brake will not be allowed to prosper!
Please pray the enemy tatics to keep Chloe in bondage/sin living with Jeremy is foiled of God, that Chloe will be saved, that the relationship between Chloe & Jeremy will not prosper/they be broken up/severed/torn apart, Chloe & Jeremy no longer live together, Chloe & Jeremy no longer work together, Chloe & Jeremy have no more emotional/romantic or any bond/attachment/involvement, that if it God would restore Chloe & I/Clemont, and that Chloe & I would be friends regardless. Pray that Chloe will not get pregnant by Jeremy, if Chloe is not with me that she would be with a Christian man, and Chloe will not be with Jeremy regardless. That Chloe would either be my proverbs 31 woman wife, or my sister in Christ. Pray that I will not have a retraining order placed againt me. Please pray that my response here will prosper:
Will the court please remind Miss Chloe Olsen that she is signing her name under penalty of perjury as Chloe is making totally false statements born of a irrational fear from her guilty cheating conscious, fearing I would retaliate from knowing she had been cheating for a over a year, now making up lies to deceive the court, as well as justify her behavior towards me. The only thing true is I did go to her job once, and to her new home with the person, she cheated with once. I did not follow her. I looked Jeremy Antonio up on Mylife.com. I never threatened Chloe or did anything violent at any time during or after our relationship. Chloe is making up total lie’s, and it is not right to try to paint me as a monster when I was so good to her, to make herself not feel bad for cheating on me, cruelly braking up with me without any explanation or heart to heart talk, sending me away in less than five minutes, after a four year eight month relationship where I had much invested much in my love, time, fiancé’s, and emotional energy, where we were engaged to be married, and I truly deeply loved her. I went to seek answers, see if we could work things out, and/or get a proper closure type conversation. I was peaceful. I never even raised my voice. I was non-violent and nonthreatening. She didn’t want to talk, I left when yelled at to leave, and have not tried to contact her since the two incidents. On February 13th I called once. On February 14 th I went to her job in the morning once. She was not there. It’s not unusual for me to go to her job as I was picking her up from there and visiting her there a lot throughout our relationship. I was only there for 20 minutes; I had to go to work myself that morning, and called her job three times that morning to make sure I didn’t miss her. I have not been back to her job or called her since. On February 14 th I also sent one last email on which I did not threaten, but just express my hurt feelings regarding her cheating on me. On February 15th I went to the person she cheated with Jeremy’s house where she now lives’ once. I have not been back or tried to contact her in anyway. I accept it over between us, and will stay away. I just wanted to talk, seek answers, see if there was something still there, and or have a healing closure type moment where we ended things in peace, wishing each other well, and going out as friends at least. I was calm and totally peaceful, not threatening or violent. Please do not allow Chloe to slander my name. It’s not right or fair. A restraining order is not necessary and only adds further insult to injury to hurt or limit my career. I am the true victim here. I have never hit Chloe, touched her to harm her in anyway, nor have I ever destroyed any property of Chloe’s. It is all lies. For Chloe to say such a lie is totally demeaning, insulting, and devaluing of the love I had for her. I doted on Chloe. I give her all my love with all my heart and soul. I was always there for her, helping her out financially, giving her rides (she does not drive), and spending lots of money taking her and her daughter out to lots of places. I lived and breathed the relationship with Chloe. I thought this was our year to get a house, and get married. The worst I have done to Chloe was yell at her while we were still together which was rare, and I’m not proud of. Chloe has yelled and cursed at me far worse that anything I ever said to her. We mostly argued about her saying I was jealous, but know I know I had cause for concern.
On Oct 26, 2011, Chloe called to tell me she took a picture with this rapper ‘Too Short’ at her job. I did get jealous, over react, and yell at her for taking the photo and of course deeply regret acting out the way. I just didn’t like the idea of my fiancée taking a picture with a rapper famous for degrading women with the over use of the ‘B’ word. I yelled but have never ever sought to do Chloe any harm. I would have given my life to protect Chloe. I would fight to protect her honor. I could never harm Chloe in any way. I loved her too much for that. A week later on November 2, 201, I go to Chloe’s old Garden Grove home in Tarzana and she brakes up with me in a cruel way yelling, cursing, and not even wanting to talk in depth to make peace, work things out, or have a proper closure discussion. She spent less than five minutes braking up with me. I then back off thinking I would let her cool down and come around. I do all I can to give her space. I send her a happy Thanksgiving email to which she did not respond. I continue to back off and on December 9 th I reinvite her to celebrate my moms birthday as we normally do with a call and email explaining my great love for her, and continued apology’s. I buy Christmas presents for Chloe, her sister, and daughter, continue to back off, and did not call her for Christmas. New Years Eve and New Year’s Day comes and goes with no contact. I then try to call on Jan 16, 2012, and send a long email expressing my great love for her, how I have been growing into a better person, and my hopes for our life together. Still no response. I try calling on Jan 24 or so, and send out the longest and most intimate email yet describing my great love for her, how I would treat her, treasure her, and how I want us to be back on track for marriage and home ownership this year. Still not a courtesy response. My heart was badly hurting/broken, and with so much love for Chloe, and not a proper goodbye, I sought out the truth. I found out she had been cheating and that was the real reason of the brake up. I accept that the relationship is over, am not a threat to Chloe or Atela that I loved as a daughter, and will stay away from her. It is not necessary for Chloe to lie and sign her name to commit perjury, slander, character assassination, and hurt my career opportunity’s because her guilty conscience has her fearful. I am not a threat, and will keep away from her. She has deceived me, hurt me in cruel fashion the way she broke up with me, and now she wants to cost me my job or advancement on my job? She had someone from her job call and talk to the top manager. I suffer the humiliation of having a sheriff serve me at work, and then I am in a meeting with both my supervisor, and the highest manger in the office. Her lies could of cost me my job. Its not fair for Chloe to be able to lie and threaten my career and future success because she cheated and she is sacred I would do something. Chloe didn’t move to get away from me, she moved because of her on going financial problems, her sister who she lived with not carrying her weight with the rent/expenses, and the problems she complained about at the Garden Grove house. She was talking about moving while we were still together. I always knew of Jeremy Antonio a guy she worked with who she swore was just a friend, and a friend she would stop talking to, to focus more attention on me, “Not letting anything come between†us she said. I trusted and believed her when I had suspicion; but choose to think the best of her, have faith in her. All the statements of weapons used with bats, and hands are lies. I have never been violent with Chloe. I did not try to brake into her home. Chloe & Jeremy were outside, Atela was not with them. I walked up to Jeremy, shook his hand, and said, “I guess she choose you. Take care of her. I was with Chloe for nearly five years, and love her very much. I just needed closure.†Jeremy looked into my eyes long and hard and abruptly walked away leaving Chloe and me alone. I never raised my voice; I made peace with the guy who tempted Chloe away. Jeremy knew I was not a threat because why would he leave Chloe alone with me if I was? Chloe felt comfortable enough to yell at me, curse at me, while alone with me outside. I never so much as raised my voice. I never threatened Chloe. I only wanted to see if we could yet work things out, seek answers, or get a proper closure. I thought we had something special where we could at least have a good talk and part in peace, and even still be friends. I am not a threat, Chloe should be reminded that she signed her name under penalty of perjury, and not allowed to try to hurt me further after cheating on me, braking my heart and ruin my life costing me job opportunity’s or advancement on my job. Please do not grant an unnecessary retraining order.