Prayer Partner
Miracle my family get to move to Oregon I even take my van my rocking
on top of the UHUAL DAVID And Rebecca has no air soul mate charge or any of the weird ones remove there soul mate parts Myles Hass and Enrique have there's but the evil corndogs don't has no air of mine or anyone's Bind and loose verse 28:6 We are blessed coming and going out. I get my van going with the Snow man in it. Somehow I get into free
maybe triple AAA miracle on the tags new wiper blade for the back
.. Without my Ex Luis help I can the Van going and I can sleep in it somewhere safely until then with help 

Locate the helpers in LODI that could help me with my VAN and remove the weird from Albert Paula and crew Kayleena Ferguson Salcedo Myles Hass mother David Trimble and crew No more drama llama 

Duet 28:13 Tailed Into existence in Jesus name amen