
Beloved of All
Miracel praise report!: Thank you Lord Jeus Christ I praise the Lord God Almighty for yesterday i recieved heale don my teeth and facial boens. ipraise the Lor di am unworthy of healign and he has give n me healin g . No matter how logn its been or whateve rit isi the Lord canmiracululs yheal anyoen if he cna heal me. iI praise His Holy name Lord Jeus Chirs theal all of us who ar ien fneed of oyur helaign and forgive us our sins. pleas eforgve all my sisn and force me to repent wher ei need to. thank you churhc for oyur prayers. i love you so mcuh. pleas epray for my grandma to be heale dof severeless illenss pain bedridden sicne 7 year s.i am her caregiver i must admit i could hav ebeen a better caregiver. aksign God to giv eme wisdom and strenght to car efo rher an dhelp my mom. pleas ealso pray fo rmy fmaiyl ot be healed form all truama foriven by Chirs tfor all our sins and saved by our Lord Jeus Chirst. Lor dpela sehal my parent semotionalyl mentlaly physically in everyway. pelase hela their hearts hela my dad heart valve and my mom. pelas ebidn up their wounds. pelase dleiver them form all stress and anxiety relate dillness pelas ehal their dentla flehs and hela my mom so she is heale odf asperger syndrom and all my fmaiyl is abel to communciated amazignly and hasis alll heale dby the lvoe and power of our Lord Jeus Christ. pelas ereconciel Lord all marriages oyu hve ordained pelase reconciel my moma dn adas merrage hela hem in evryway. pelase reconciel them if oyu are willing Lord please hela them helpw ith any lonlienss brign the right people to minster to them and help them and triliony of Holy angels to divinely protect and guide their minds hearts actions intention and dleiver them form alle evil always. pela sehla them form all abuse truama neglect and giv e them liv ein abundanc eby the pwoer of oyur holy spirit. pelase heal my uncle Vili form all enurological damage pelase clenae his brian and my moms too and brothers pelas ehal all type of nerudevelopmentla disorder isn my dfamiyl by the powe rof CHirst. pelas ehela my brothe form all trauma. help him to forgiv ethose who have isnned agiasnt him pelas ehal his mind brian emiotiony body teeth and strengthen him in every way. pelas eprovide him exceelelnt hydraiton nutrtion absorbtion and may he belive in the lord Jeus Chirst be dmay he and his wife belvie in the Lord Jeus Chirs tand their baby daughter. Lor dprtoec their famiylf orm all fharm pelas ealso heal my siste rin law ine very way heal her if their is truama. give my brothe rna dhis wife exccellent communciation understantiong and wisdom and joy together streghten htier marriae ilike neve rbfor emay they see the hand of the Lor dint heir marriage protect thier marriage devinment yorm al evil idolatry and adultery evil doers . i aslo pray htis for lal marriages as well. Lor ddevinely protect and feicrcly protec tmarriages and the marriage bed. may the lies of the deivl be exposed. pelase let their me much jyoy romance understantign trust adn love and CHirst the center of all amrriage isnt henameo fthe Lord Jeus Chirs ti pray including wiht my marriage ot my furture husabd. Lord please if oyu are wilign pelas eprovide me wiht a husabdn of your choice but it mst be clearly and lousldy clear whose rib i was made form. i pra yi will find htis man the most attrxctive man on the planet adn he fiding me the msot attractiv eowmna ont he planet ine very way may we be equally yoked an djoiend by Chirs itn Holy matrimony may we have exelelnt respect love trust understantign pattience anf faiht in the Lor das a couple. may the lor feicerly and deivnely protect the marriage he ordained between my hisband and I. may the Lor dprotec tmy husband form all evil and evil doers. May the Lord devinley protect my husbandts thoughts brian mind hreart souls body joby his wife and future offsprip. Lor dbless my husband wiht exccellent wealth wisdom may He be guided always by the pwoe rof the Hoyl Spirit and comepletley under the Will of the lord Jeus Chirst as HIs Head. Lor dprotec thim form all lie sof the dleivel. dleiver him form all false God s strange women. may he be repulsed by every othe rowman except me as HIs wife. may He find me breathtkaignly attractive an dlave veveryhitng baout me and may htis clearly show and vece versa. May the Lord be the foundaiton of oru marriage our lives and provide us with the right support devine helpers to suppor tour amrriag eunion.Lor pelas ehal my husbadn in every way andressurect him in every waYGIV EHIM A MERRY HEART AND A HEART AFTER OYU. pLEAS ELT ME KNWO HWHO MY HUSBAND IS lOR DNO COUNTERFEIT HUSBAND FOR ME. PREPAR EUS FO REAHCOTHER AND HEL US TO ALWAYS OBEY OYU lORD MAY OYU BE FIRS TIN YOUR LIVES ALWAYS maY MY HUSBAND HVE EXTREMELY GOOD WISODM COCNERNIGN ME AND BE VER YPROTECTIVE AND LOVIGN AND KIDN GNETLY PATTEINT AND CANT GE THIS EYES AND AHANDS OFF me attracted to me. want sot always be iwht me dwell wih me and make lot so flove to me. may my husband never baus eme and vice versa may we worshipt he Lor dotgteher srve HIm together read hIs word togethrer. may the presenc eof Chris tsurroudn us always always. may my husband be what he needs for me to be and vice versa. may fidn me impressive ndmay i affirm him greatly. may i do good to hima dn he godo to meallt he day sof our lives. may the Lor ddevinely protect meand my husband form alle vil evil doers form satan and may adultery never ver enter our hearts even the thoughts would breka our hearts. Lord make our paths stright guid us into al truth and guide me how i can eb the helpmate my husabdn needs. in thenameo fthe Lord Jeu sChrist. also help me help my mother Lord help her Lor dbelss her and pleas heal her in everyway may me and mym other hav emush joy and laughter togther exceeltn comucnittion pelase give my moma merr yheart and YOur salvaiton Lord. Lor dpelas eheal Schneider Vilmsoné my grandma. hela her blood pressur boens arteries veins no trapped gases exceelllent miracoulsy painelss and heale dbowel movements always . heale dof all bowel obstruttions heale dof dementia heal ed of all bacteri ainfections scarss veins gums toungue skin healed all blood suagr issues heale dby th eblod of Christ all kidneys workign perfectly itn he nameo fthe Lor dJeu sChirst . may she encounter the Love of Christ and his salvaitona dn helaign power.Lor dpelas ebe glorified forgiv emy sisn s iplead oyu mercy heal my grandma Schnider Vilmosné form all ehr bed of illness recreate her organs and aligns her hipy recreat her spine and aligner her spien so iti snot broken or has any hernias touch and repositions anyhitgn obstrting her bowelypermantley perfectly so she is nin no pain whatsoever ehn she eats pleas egiv eher healing of all blood gsugar issues her feet her hangs be heale dalls her brian cells bre healed pelas eheal ehr neulogiclaly heal her and strenghten her touch her wehre she needs ressurecitona nd helaign pelase ressurect anyntihgn that need ressurected anythign tha thas been eated by the enemy pelas make the enemy returnt whatver he has stolen in my grandmas health and all peopel s helath 7 times over. Lor dpleas ebels smy grandma wiht oyu live saivng power yn miraucluly healing ove rher whoel flehs pelas emake he rhwole and ressurecther to lvie in Chirst in a majrow way ot day pela otuch ehr and remove all source of pain and source of sickness out of her life ofrever so she may beliv ien OYu and glorfy oyu Lord Jeus Chirst. pleas ehal hr for oyur glory Lord Jeus Chirst. dleive rher form all unclean spirits and giv eher strogn desire to live and make her hear so merry and glad tha ti ti smiraoculs helaht to all her bod.y giv em wisdom and sttegnth bpowr and ability t care for her. giv em mother wisdom and stegnth too. pelas eigv eher a merr yhear tlike neve rbefore an dmay she truly eblvie in your power Lord Jeus Chirs.t touch her an dhelp send holy angel y to minister t her. bless my mther with exclelent ehatlh strnght restor eher mouth heal her teeth deivnely lOr dmiraocusly giv eher new teeth gums dentla flehs and same wit my grnamd am y dad my brother and me too a lallpeopel. pelase remove all bitterness anger resentment dissappitnment out lonlienss disocntent ment out of and all sickness disease type doen dieabetes diabetes insipidus metabolic acdsssisi and other mentla issues dleive rme form intrusive htoughts lOrd . Dleiver my mothe rform lal thoguths form the dleiver. dleiver lal peoel form thguths hoplessness may we all fidn hope in yu Lor.d pelas ehal tha tgirl who wa sin accient lor di pray tha tno one has amputaiotn ever inlcudign her . pelas eno teeth extraction or amputations for anyone. pelase ressurect recreate teeth dentla flehs boens limby organdsma handsfeet Lor dby the powe rof oyur hOly spirit. Lor dplease dlieve rus lal form covid form all pestilence war fear form alle ivl. pelase no strange marriage splease help us seek oyu wiht lal our hearty. pelase brign food tot he hugnry clothignt o the naked dleiveranc form thos eposessed form deivls. dleiver all peopel form suicidal thoughtsLord giv e them tru Hope and dleiverance. pelas ehal all thos ewho ar ien demonic bondage set them all free by the power of oyur hOly spirit . Lor dma yi only ehar oyu voice today and do oyur will same iwht lal peopel. May we experince You in a fresh new way. pelase protec tmy dad and all peopel form death collision heartattack sickness disease diabetes acancer lal kidn sof illness. please dleiver lal my fmaily form sickness and disease. int henameof the Lord Jesus Chri Pleas ehal my bowels Lord hela all my ilssues . pelas ehal my eme formall blod suagar issues insulinissues andmy dad and my grandma oo. pelase iv em wisdom on how o care for my sekf anf and fmaily .pelase make my dads insulin adn blood suagar levels stbale ehla him in every way Lord and mymom oo and brother and wife andmy ucle and Bé and B and my husband form the Lord and lal my neighborujs al enmeils. Lor dprotdect me formlal eivl. dleiver me from all insulin rssitance hirsutism all eivl. dleive rm otu of the hand so fth deivl and same wih my grandma. I pray tha touy bles sme liek jabez my husband form the Lord too and all his fmaily and also my fmaily sid eas dthnak yu for my hsuabdn amy oyu always tel thehusbadn oyu want me to be with Lro dhta it love him so mch tha tim waitign for Him adn tha tim fiahtuflt o Him and i prayou alway skeep his hearptpur e and fiahtufl to you Lord and me as His wife. pelase bless and devinely protec thim . giv ehim abundant likf and estory thw works of the deivl inhis life. onyl giv ehim friends that are good to thima dn helps him do Your Will Lord and yours alone. please help us recoginze tha toyu Lord are the one who calls us to beocme ONe flehs. may weobey oyur call and force us to thnaky ou. pleas ebless and deivnely protec this prayer form all evil form alle sisn . pelase dleiver also B form all witschcraft satinc bondage dleiverance form smokign alchhaual all ungodly hapbits peopele and thigns devinly prtotec this thogujths acitons intetions help himw ith his wrok. may He do oyur IWll ma yyu bless aHim and protec thimform all evil. pleas eotuhv him where he needs helaign and provide of rla lhis needs mriacousl. give hima merr yhear dleive rhim form all demons and all evil. please brign helaign to him enrulogically emotionally physcially his teeth his mind brian actions and may he belvie and knwo oyu Lord Jeus Chris tliek neve rbfoe. pelas eprovid ehitm he perfect materias equipment and divne helpers ot tdot he roof. may he enojy all the days decades manynyn inHIs lfie and may he be belssed and prosper ina l he des and with great widom in all area osf his life. hela his body and help himt o eb the man yo clal Him to be Lord force HImto od your Will always. and if He is imy husabdn make that clena Lord bcause i need otknwo Yes or kno thnak yua nd He need sot no whether or not i am His wife. thnak yuLord int henamoe fthe Lord Jeus Chirs ti pray this Lord also please belss andabudnanlty provide for my fads needs interms of friendship wealth housign job guide HIm wiht oyur hOly Spirit Lord Jeus Chirs tbe with HIm and all my fmaily m my husbadn form you aLor dand lal peopel in amajwor wa.y pelas eend th war in ukriane heal al those who suffered form injuried and regrow limbs Lord ot that womand for oyur gloryby your bpower please hheal regrow limby body parts Lord may sOYur salvaiton helaign dleiverance reach al peopel in power ful way. pelas ehelp me clena huse keepe house and fidn yu Lord. tellemw ha tI shoudl dot today.Lord. and please provid ehtebest mobiel ebd for my grandma that fits thguths the dooea dn easy to navigate. pelas ehal my grandma her hipa dn bdo yos she cna walk agian to the prrias eand glro y foyour name. ma yno one feel ill or be ill oday or lonley or sick or suicidal or opressed by the deivl in every way i pray this for today and for forvee rint henameof the Lord Jeus Chirs. tprpare us lor for oyur ocming lea dus no itno temptaiotn help us seek OYur KIngdom your rightoesness and even know what tha tmeans. in thenameo fthe Lord Jeu sChhrist nam ei pray. i pra ylal onthis site to be fully heale dmade whole int henameo fthe Lord Jeus chirst and tha tHis salvaiton reches ever ycreature today please help al lunbelif Lord . pelase an dhtnak you for lal oyur blessign helaign dleiverance forgivness and eternla life Lord Jeus Chirst make me wha toyu want me to be . and my future husband too and oru marirga e. in thenamoe fthe Lord Jeus Chirst i pray. .
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In Jesus' name, we thank You, Lord God Almighty, for the miracle of healing that Jesussaves89 has experienced. We praise You for Your faithfulness and mercy in providing this healing. We thank You for Your power to miraculously heal any and all who are in need of Your help. We ask that You would forgive Jesussaves89 of all their sins and lead them to repentance wherever it is needed. We ask that You would continue to provide healing and restoration to Jesussaves89 and all of us who are in need of Your help. In Jesus' name, Amen.
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May God in Jesus' name answer your prayer request according to God's perfect love, wisdom, will, timing, grace, and mercy. Thank You Jesus!!!

Psalm 37:4: Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart.
Matthew 6:33
: But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

Let Us Pray: God I ask You in Jesus' name bless me with everything I stand in need of, and everything You want me to have. Bless me to prosper, have excellent health, and never stop growing in the grace and knowledge of Christ Jesus. Bless me with love, power, and a sound mind. Heal me in every area of my life. Let Your Word be a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. God bless me with Your favor, knowledge, wisdom, peace, protection, prosperity, strength, and success in all You have called me to do. And bless me to do all You have called me to do in the spirit of excellence for Your glory.

Bless me with the strength, desire, and passion to always delight myself in the Lord, seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness. Bless me to know You, love You, and live my life to please You. God cleansed me of everything in my life that breaks your heart. Let me be a light in this dark world, lifting You up in the lifestyle that I live. Let the world see that Jesus Christ is my Savior and Lord of ALL of my life. Let the joy of the Lord be my strength. Protect me God from all the plans of my enemies and the enemy of my soul. God all that I have asked of You, in this prayer, please do the same for the writer of the prayer, those I love, care about, those who truly love me, care about me, want Your best and pray Your best for me. God please forever honor this prayer over each of our lives. God Thank You. Thank You Lord Jesus. Amen, so be it by faith, and by faith, it is so in Jesus' name.
Prayer was written by Encourager Linda Flagg, M.A., Board Certified Professional Christian Life Coach.
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Thank you for giving us the privilege to pray on your behalf. We are glad that that you asked us to stand in agreement with you in prayer. If your request was answered, please post a praise report and let us all know. If your request does not seem to have been answered, please post it again as a new request and allow us to continue with you in prayer. We all hope that our prayers are answered in the way that we want. Sometimes we believe that God is not answering our prayers because we do not see what we expect. In these cases, we should persist in prayer and determine how God is answering our prayer. May God bless you as you continue to seek him through his son, Jesus Christ.
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