Well, the way I look at it, we have to look at the bigger picture, Besides being compassionate, what else did Jesus say?Describing the signs of the last days, "wars and rumors of wars".And while describing them, He also said ,"When you see these things begin to happen, lift up your heads, because your deliverance draweth near."Instead of anguishing over it, I see it as a gateway to the Rapture, and we're out of here..Didn't Jesus say "lift up your heads" when you see these things?To make an omelette, you have to break a few eggs. P,S. As for the left, I don't understand them knocking Putin. They have "Bernie" and "A.O.C," in their midst, and embrace Communism. Now Putin comes along and shows them what a Communist dictator is like, and all of a sudden they disapprove.