Humble Prayer Warrior
# Into existence the leapers help me move the vehicle that are a good thing for me & my family and our dreams can finally come true with no drama & were no one businesses Everyone illegally in my air following my energy DNA signatures & my children are blocked stopped the weird anointing is null and void the BOAZ that need come for me to bring me home immediately no more going without ever again in my life
the weird going without goes back to sender my family & I that's a good thing stays with me the others just forget me and don't want or desire to come back. Everyone who killed Myles Hass love me that GOD ALMIGHTY put in there and made him serve him instead if his own wife of The Lord are judged by beyond belief he wasn't ever good to me as a husband of the Lord was supposed to be because of this I get someone new BOAZ Is able to help me that can help clear my chakra air from the constant attacks about Myles Hass and his weird followers. Kayleena Freeman Chaos cannot get Myles Hass to serve her anymore the weird ones it just doesn't when he tries the weird soul ties he instantly is repelled from he realizes he made a big mistake 2 times now and that is who he is. Myles Hass and everyone who has known me then realizes they have not been good to me at all for me as a husband of The Lord. Because most of them tortured to not good to me not listen not care just ignore her. Myles Hass tortured to always not be good to me never show up I get people who actually show up. All the weird blocking locking out of everything I worked comes off of me. I get someone who has a heart
for me and then wants to reaped me in my marriage air that's real that wasn't pushed away from me and that can love me and be one with me not Kayleena Freeman or Shaleen Freeman or anyone else just he will be with me and my air will be replaced even better then before since all I did was serve GOD ALMIGHTY for no reason and honor for no reason. Now it can flip I finally have my dream come true with someone who really loves me not someone forced to love me in Jesus name amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen