Very tormenting I donno who I can turn except God but I also think God doesn't love me many problems in life one after one seriously listening paying attention to my despair n needs...praying long no answer...I donno why God just kept silence ...very disappointed
May Jesus hold you in His arms and heal you.
God loves you so much! He made you. You are His child. I love you. We are all brothers and sisters. Ask God to forgive your sins because we ALL sin everyday. Thank Him and praise Him for everything. Even the little things. Do this everyday. Gratitude makes us happier.
We as humans cannot comprehend the immense love God has for us. It is a different kind of love we can’t understand. He always forgives us no matter what. And there is NOTHING we can do that can ever stop Him from loving us.
It says in the Bible, we have to renew our minds.
Whatever is good, happy, beautiful, kind, helpful, caring, think of these things. Nothing bad. Don’t watch horror movies or Xrated. That opens a door to our mind for the devil to come in and tell his lies. Don’t believe the negative things about yourself or others. It’s the devil messing with your mind. Sing songs to God, play worship music in the house. The devil will run from that.
Go to your neighborhood church and get involved with their activities. Meet good people that will support you and help you navigate this world. Join the Bible study. Learn the lessons God is telling us. There is one in there that is about you. When you get closer to God, He will be closer to you. Joshua 5:1-(paraphrasing) ‘There is someone standing beside you that is stronger than the one standing against you.’
God is always beside you. You need to talk to Him and get to know Him. Help is there if you just reach for it. Jesus died for everyone’s sins,
So we can be with God when we leave this world. Keep praying. God does have His own timing tho, so we all need patience.
God bless you and give you strength and courage and His peace, in Jesus name amen.