Beloved of All
Mega praise reportí: yesterday got flooded .. thoguth is wrecked our pc as it ws on floor and also modem and phone issues.. but praise God the pc modem and phoen working. Pleae pray this flooding issues ot rbe resolved root causes be up rooted. so far the issue snot resolved we ned amiracl eplumbler. please pray he ocmes cooosn ini need ot care of rmy grandma and i need the water please Lord have mercy. its pribabyl my fault btu please have mercy hget the bamboo stick ut of the pipe too plaes God. please let the right man com soon to help us and fiy the issues sper easy God willign pleas. in thenamoe fthe Lord Jeus Christ. plea elet be easy ot fix. also Lor dplease protect my hoem my fmaily all people form all evil. please protec tmy dad who is homeless please oprovide him warm th shelter and miracle acocomotdaiton and miralc ejob fiancial help. pleas ehal all peopel do Gods WIll today. im sorry fo rm sisn. thanky ou for oyur help Lord help m e to do what is pleasing in your wight in my heart espceially. please help me repetn dcorona phobia. pelase sned the right help soon and heal my grandma of dmentiia type 1 diabetes metabolis small bowle obstuctions .. need oyu ot please intervnen inher helaht LOr.d thnaky ouj int henameo the Lord Jeus Chirst. thank you for al your helaign improvemtns pleas hl me deal wiht stresss. thank yu int henamoe tihe Lord Jeus CHirs.t pleas ealso help B in evry way. if he is my hubyy please do alliny our power to make us one flehs accoridng to your WIll. whoeve rmyhubby is please let him knwo ilovehim w aiitng fr o hima dnhelp me tbe patient for your perfect appointd tiem. pelas epreapar eus ofr eahc other. keep us in You WIl Lord andhelp us do YOur WIll and with merry heart. please heal B and heal all fmaily in every wa.y dliever B foirm all satnaicn temptations and addictions alchhaul cigarettes and keep all ungoldy thigns peopel out of his life foreve irtn henameo fthe Lord Jeus CHirst. dliver us both form al that is prevcnt ign us form being one flehs if that iyós your WIll let us knwo lOrd thnak you. please protec tmy hubby form the deivla nd help him stay warm and hlep himw iht workd,. inthenameo the lORD jEUS cHIRS.T PLASE GIV EALL HOMELSS ACCOMODATION ESCPEICALLY M Y DA.D KEEP MY DAD WAMR SNED TRILLIONS OF Holy angle sa t minister help him and help with his retirement pension.s end the right peopel help himw iht his paper work and give him ebst retirement pension eve.r pelas ebless my parenatns hubby grnamda pbro his wif e child Bé and Gáb and Viike wiht helaing best blesisng ever halign dleiverance fo all ucnlean spirit shtis inckludis my hubby and B and all Pewole my parents my brother pleas ehal him his teeth dehydraiton issues please dleiver al my fmaily mmebers ofrm flesh eatign bacteria to the praise and glor yof your name please lor dbrign slavaiton to Béla to my bother my gradma to all poeel. plas ehelp me stay foccuse dpelase sned the right plumber please dleive rmy dad form homless ness and do the same for all peole. pleas eplase forgiveme sins help my grandma in everwy regain sttrenght heal hr Lord Jeus CHirs thal her of small bowel obstuction syndorme. Lord i achknowledge oyu you have la the power have mercy and heall al the issues in our halht ur lives forgiv emy sisn,. please i need to heal ypur VPOV LOUD AND CLEAR BUT PLEASE thr right tobe too.