Beloved of All
mega praise report: i recieved even now healin form the Lord Jeus Chirs ton my teeht and jaw shifitn in place.. after suffeirn many year swith type one diabete sinsulin reistance diabetic acidosis i have recivec so mcuh healign. I praise God. i am so thankful i am so thankful to eb alive thank you!!! thank OYu Lord thanky ou thank you thank you. wheove rprayed for me thnak you wiht lal ym heart. i reall deepest thnak oyu. pelas epra ym grandma and me and all fmaily heal ed of caus eof diabetes type one and diabetic insipidus sepsis toally heale.d i praise God for he has heale dmy teeht an dboy din so many mirculouls ways. I cannot thank HIm enough. Lor dplease forigve my sisn. set my midn and hear on YOu only and may i be free form the daydreamign idols. and coornphobia szilánk phobia dirt phobia. also Lor dpraise report: thank yuf or removign th mold ont he walls. Thanky u! Our God can do all things. Pleas eLord heal and protec tllmy fmail mmebrs heal us in every way. pleas ehal my mom of asperger syndomre and my brothe roto and B . hela my uncle of auitsm an colechialism. heal my grandma form dmeenita. help em to do ebst caregigin ever! and clenaign. pelas eprovid emiracle hoem to my dad so he is no longer homeles.s ehal all inflamation heal his life and brign him joy and your salvaiton. please provid eme a god fearing lovign husband and alos please help my mom to be happy. pleas ehelp me no be wasteful but also burnout anbe resnetful. give me godly firendhsips so iron can sharpen iron in Chirst. Help me to love and be loved. pelase giv em a husband form your hands lLor dwho adors everyhtign baout me and vice versa may we bless one anothe rin true love easy love that is formoyur heart. Ma yi hav en ocutnerfeit spouse. hela my husband form allillness if applcabel dleive rhimf rom allugodly thgns giv ehim your salvaiton in allareas ofhis life. guid ehim into alltruth wiht yor Holy spirit and at eh appoitned tiem bjoin us by your Holy spirit Lord Jeus Chirst.please prpar eus for eahc other. may the preperation eb easier. please odnt let other bad mood affect me or make me sick. plea shela htose who take their pain out on me. Please hela my parnet sand belss them forever iwht also lign health yhappy life doing oyur Willw ith all their heart.t hanky ou for my fmaily and hela them.pleas ebels my sist eirn alaw with divine healht y happy miracle pregnancy no complicaiotn and helath happy most nbeutiful nephew. Lord pleas perovide of rmy fmailies needs hela V andbópelas ehal my dad sheart valve oteb workign properly and also heal the root caus eof hsi osteoposisi hela my dads spinal francture an dhela my brothers as well. pelase brign miracle helagin in ym mother sbrian andlfe. Lor dhela us where the deivls has amd eus ill. please od the same for lalonthis site. dleive rus form allevil and guard our heart help us do oyur WIlla dn estbalish allorut htoughts. pelase forgie my sisn and am yi find you in a new way todayand turly knwo oyu Lord thnak you and i pray this for alll people. thanky ou so mcuh for all your heaing me I preais eYOu I bless oyu. thnak you you. pleas epray fo rmy grandm abedridden for year sotbe heale dof demtnia dn small bowel obsurction syndorme to be fully restore dot health for the glory of Christ.pelase pray for my mom to be healed amalgan fillignto be mirculous remove dby God and heale dnew regrown teeth. pelas epray for all ifnection all flehs eaitng bacteira bad bacteir all unclena spirit sot leave my parents me and my grnamy brother B Béla and V and siste irn law and her kids and brothers kids. pleas epray for allour slavation and also tha ti stop procrastinating day dremaing allll the itme. Lor dhelp em do the taks i need to even though i feel so lonely all the time.