Miranda T
Faithful Servant
Thanks for praying for me in the past few years. I was arranged to proceed to see the nurse today for assessment of my physical condition for proceeding to applying the government subsidy of biologic. My appointment will be in three hours. I actually do not think it is a good time to start given now I do not have a job and I still have to spend 12K per month (equivalent to one month rent of an apartment here), it is obviously an impossible plan. I am not sure how God will do in my situation now. and how much subsidy I can get from government. I also do not know the bone marrow edema at my sacrum and right pelvis can be healed and being converted to normal bone strength after injecting biologic even the drs cannot tell. But I think unless I can get full subsidy from government or I can have a place to live which is free of charge or I can get a job which 10K monthly salary higher than my previous job two years ago with a condition that I will never lose my job because the injection has to be taken every two weeks for rest of the life as described by the dr. Pls pray for me that God will intervene into this process or God will be the Lord of this event and He will make the best out of everything. It may be an opportunity or it may be sth wrong. No one knows what will be the results, any results of turning better or whether triggers other inner hidden or potential issues once the immunity is being suppressed so much. Pls pray for me. Appreciate it. In Jesus' name. AMEN