Prayer Partner
May God bless you all. May all your prayers if they are for your good come true. I have a prayer request or two. Dear God could you please help me to be strong and to give up smoking. Could you help me financially please? I really need your help to get back on my feet. Could you please give me the strength to stay away from certain people who have taken thousands of pounds off me and took advantage of me when I was grieving for my family and husband. I need help with my health. I am sick of the fear I feel sometimes for no reason. I know I am the only one left out of my family and it hurts God. It really does Father but I need Your help. I appreciate anyone reaching out and praying for me. You are all my Christian brothers and sisters. Thank you. Also make me well enough to decorate and do my artwork. I hate feeling like this. I love you Father, I love you My Brother Jesus, and I ask that You help my Christian family too. Amen