Beloved Servant
Matthew 8:23-27
In Jesus' Name, I Pray God's Will for You Today
I pray that you will have complete faith and trust in Jesus. Have faith in Him, for all things in heaven and on earth are under His authority. I pray that even the strongest winds and the most treacherous waves that come your way will be calmed by His command, for He has the power to take control over your most difficult circumstances. I pray that you will realize that no trial or difficulty is beyond His control, and that He will never allow the wind and waves to sweep over you. May you surrender your circumstance today to Christ's supreme authority.
In Jesus' Name, Amen.
HaPpY ThursDaYรฐลธหโก
In Jesus' Name, I Pray God's Will for You Today
I pray that you will have complete faith and trust in Jesus. Have faith in Him, for all things in heaven and on earth are under His authority. I pray that even the strongest winds and the most treacherous waves that come your way will be calmed by His command, for He has the power to take control over your most difficult circumstances. I pray that you will realize that no trial or difficulty is beyond His control, and that He will never allow the wind and waves to sweep over you. May you surrender your circumstance today to Christ's supreme authority.
In Jesus' Name, Amen.
HaPpY ThursDaYรฐลธหโก