Child of God,
I asked God to honor this prayer on your behalf.
Let Us Pray… God I ask in Jesus’ name that You will bless everyone that I love and care about and everyone that loves and cares about me, including me, myself, and I. Bless us Lord Jesus collectively and individually. Teach each of us how to keep our focus on You and Your awesome power and faithfulness to provide for us in Your timing. Help us all to realize that You truly love us and You will always be their for us providing what we need when we need it. You will never leave us nor forsake us.
Bless each of us with wisdom, knowledge, and understanding from on high. Provide the faith that is needed in each of our lives to follow Your leading, guidance, and commands to live a successful, prosperous life in Christ. Reign in our lives as Lord of All. Let Your power reign in our lives and transform us as we surrender to You completely. Help us all too completely surrender to You and Your Will for our lives. Develop within each of us a more intimate, mature, and dynamic relationship with You that is based upon the true Word of God. Help each of us to accept Your grace to walk in victory and be Victors in Christ and not the Victims of Satan’s evil plans and plots for our lives. God all that I have asked You to do in this prayer for my love ones and myself, please do the same for the Christian who sent me this prayer, the Christian who wrote this prayer, and each member of my family (the ones I know and don’t know). Amen, So Be It And It Is So.
Encourager Linda Flagg, LM, CS
Christian Life Coach & Youth Minister
PS: Please Pass This Prayer on To Everyone You Love & Care About!