Disciple of Prayer
My Beloved and Merciful Father God Jesus, I humbly come to you with a broken heart due to my current circumstances to plea, pray and cry out for your help. My husband has left me and is seeking divorce. He is having an affair with another woman. I humbly come to you seeking your all mighty power to break all these chains dividing and trying to destroy our marriage. I come to you for help to destroy all infidelity, sin, adultery coming from my husband and this other woman named ### ### (###) who has been interfering with our marriage. Please Father God Jesus I beg you in the Holy Name and through the Holy Blood shed by your son Jesus Christ our Lord that you will completely remove this woman from my husband's life, that you make her lose interest in him and him in her. That you make them both repent and have fear of you to completely stop what they are doing. I ask that you forgive them and not condemn them Father. I forgive them also and I ask that you please bring my husband back home to my sons and I and that you fully restore everything that has been broken in our marriage and that you heal us both completely from all the pain we have both caused each other and that you fully reconcile us. That you put in new and infinite love in our hearts for each other and that we may have a new marriage with you in the center of it all strengthening our union our love our marriage and that it may be a marriage based on pure genuine love, honorable, faithful, cleansed and protected from all evil. That we may both forgive, love, honor, respect and protect each other from all evil attacks. Please Father God I beg and ask this of you in your son’s HOLY NAME JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD. Father God you had said ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE KNOCK AND THE DOOR SHALL BE OPEN TO YOU so here I am with all my humble FAITH AND TRUST in you to help me with this situation, with OUR MARRIAGE and I beg beg beg you to please REMOVE this other woman and destroy everything that they have been having together Father. You know it's wrong and it's a sin that you do not condone. Please destroy it all and remove her far far away from our lives Father God PLEASE in Jesus Holy Name I pray. THANK YOU FATHER GOD FOR HEALING, RESTORATION AND RECONCILIATION OF OUR MARRIAGE AND FOR DESTROYING ALL evil attacks out to destroy our marriage. THE VICTORY IS YOURS FATHER, all evil attacks that has been put on our marriage will not prevail because THERE IS POWER IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD and with THAT POWER I DECLARE VICTORY OF RESTORATION, HEALING AND RECONCILIATION FOR OUR MARRIAGE FOR MY HUSBAND AND I INDIVIDUALLY AND I DECLARE A RENEWED MARRIAGE FOR US FROM YOU AND WITH YOU IN THE CENTER OF IT ALL. IN JESUS NAME I PRAY. AMEN AMEN AMEN THANK YOU FATHER GOD JESUS OUR SWEET KIND AND MERCIFUL LORD AMEN