Genesis 2:18…. 18And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.
Proverbs 18:22 22Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD.
Let’s Pray: Hear my prayer O God and grant my petition I pray in Jesus' name. "Bless my marriage. Bless my husband to love me as Christ Loves His Church. And bless me, his wife, to be his help meet. Bless and heal my marriage. Temper our hearts with respect, kindness, faithfulness, and understanding for each other until death due us part. Teach each of us how to listen to each other with our hearts and just not our ears. Help us to remember to be each other's sweetheart, lover, helpmate, friend and guide. So that together with You we may meet the cares and problems of life with faith and trust; knowing that You Lord Jesus will work all things out for our good.
Help us to keep lit the torch of love' that we share in our hearts for each other, so that by our loving example we may pass on the light of love to our children and grandchildren. And with the passage of time, Lord deepen our love for one another. Bless us to find great contentment and joy with each other as we grow daily into senior companionship. When the sun is setting, may we be found still hand in hand, still thanking You Lord Jesus for blessing us with each other. And all that I have asked You to do for my marriage please do the same for my Sister In Christ who sent me this prayer. God Thank You God for answering this prayer with a yes and amen. Thank You Jesus!