I am ###, I have had two abortions, yes, two. It was before I was even a Christian, I was a witch, practicing new age spiritualism, occultism and lost in the darkness. I had no concept of right or wrong, though I had a general idea, I was largely "leftist" and thought that every woman had a right to her body and that we had the choice to terminate pregnancies, people would say "it's just a clump of cells", "it's your body, your choice" and even though I knew it was bad, I didn't really have a REVELATION of Sin. I can tell you I had one abortion, and then another abortion shortly thereafter. A year or two later, I became a Christian and was saved and born again. Then, it hit me, the revelation of my sin and my wickedness.... God was so merciful with me and had allowed me to understand just what I had done. As a Christian if you are considering abortion, reconsider.
You are not your own, you were bought with a price, that price being Jesus' shed blood.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (NIV) "9 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies."
How can you honor God with your body? if you are forcibly making the decision to murder your baby? You are saying "God this is not YOUR body, I am not your servant, I am not your vessel, I belong to me.... and I get to decide what I want to do with my body". A baby that is NOT your own, but belongs to God.... God does not CURSE us with children, they are a blessing, from The Most High God. He saw you, and thought, "I am going to bless her with a child." For you to say, "I want to murder this baby" for whatever reason, is not a valid enough reason. Children are not a mistake, and what I mean by that is THEY ARE INTENTIONAL, God formed ALL children in the womb, He knits them in our wombs, He blesses us with children, and if he did it for Sarah at 90 years old... why can he not bless you with a child at 40? 43? 45? Is He not capable of upholding your health? and any trials that come your way, will the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob NOT UPHOLD YOU? Not take care of you? Not watch over your baby?
Do not believe the lies of this world, that your "life is over when you have a baby." Those are lies from the pit of hell.... Do you know who HATES children? Satan... and his colony of demons. Why do you think there is a huge group of people who are not saved that HATE children.... only someone satanic would hate pure, innocent children... there is something evil there that needs to be dealt with. It is spiritual. 100%. and I am not saying that you hate children, but just sharing context.
"Psalm 127:3-4(CEV)"Children are a blessing and a gift from the LORD. Having a lot of children to take care of you in your old age is like a warrior with a lot of arrows."
"Psalm 139:13 (NLT)" You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb."
Now, all those children that were aborted, and murdered in the womb.. they will go to Heaven, but for us, we will all be held accountable for aborting those babies and not allowing them to live the lives, that God had destined for them.
I can tell you that every Mother's Day, every holiday, I grieve deeply over my children, that I aborted. I often wonder what life would've been like with them, what they would've looked like, what personalities they would've had... and I mourn. There is nothing on this earth that can remove the love a mother has for her child.
As for the reason you are choosing to "abort" whether you are cheating on a spouse, out of marriage, or whatever other reasons.... God still chose to bless you with a baby, His goodness does not depend on whether you deserve it or not. God will ALWAYS provide for you and your baby, He is our provider, our Jehovah Jireh, our Heavenly Father... He makes it rain on the just and the unjust. Yet, He has chosen to bless you, that baby you are carrying has feelings, can sense, is alive, and you are blessed. The Lord has blessed you with fruitfulness of the womb. If it is finances, trust that God will bless you and help you.
God allowed me to feel (a spec) of what He felt when I aborted my babies.
Earlier, In ###, God blessed me with a baby, I did not know I was pregnant.. I was just constantly sick and getting worse by the minute. Then I found out I was pregnant. I was in shock, and I couldn't believe that I was pregnant. But I vowed that if I ever became pregnant again, no matter how difficult the journey or pregnancy, I would not abort my baby, even if I had to become a living sacrifice and die for my child to live. I would be willing to do that. I fell in love with my baby, I couldn't believe that after two abortions, God decided to bless me. But Satan tried to take me out throughout my entire pregnancy, surrounded me with some horrible doctors and nurses, false accusations, and it was awful. Yet, God upheld my health, at 6 weeks, I had a subchorionic hematoma (basically bleeding while pregnant) and these are so dangerous because the baby could die. I was treated horribly by an ultrasound tech, and then I sat in the ER bleeding for a few hours (maybe ###hrs.) the doctor wasn't coming out and there was so much blood that I decided to leave early, (if I was going to lose my baby...then I would rather miscarry at home). What a twist of fate, I thought to myself... I really wanted this baby... and now... here I was... in the ER saying they could not detect or see a fetal pole. My husband waited for me in the car and as soon as I entered and sat down, I started crying and wailing in agony and pain. I was so distraught I couldn't help but cry the entire way home and night. I put on praise music and lay on the sofa in pain, feeling sick and faint. It dawned on me, that Jesus felt this way.... when I had chosen to terminate my pregnancies. He had a plan for those babies, He had a life for them and I chose to end their lives. How selfish I had been... How selfish... I felt so sad for God. I began to attempt to research my illnesses (which doctors did not help me and just said it was anxiety), but I was very ill.... I was pale, dizzy beyond compare and getting weaker by the minute... I felt like I was going to die. That night I dreamt that Jesus was holding me and it comforted me. He was wearing a white robe and felt like home. I woke up and felt a bit better, a few days later went to the ob/gyn and they confirmed that there was a heartbeat. I begged brothers and sisters in Christ for prayers that my daughter would be a living testimony for Jesus Christ.
I did research and found other testimonies of women (non-Christian) that had pregnancies but needed to abort or terminate for health reasons. I felt so sad for them because a lot of them DID want their children, but some... their babies ended up dying in their wombs and so they needed to remove the leftover fetal tissue. Abortions are necessary in some cases, and God knows that.... but in other situations, an abortion is not the solution. God also knows that.
My point is this, God upheld me, throughout everything that I had to suffer through. He was with me, He was praying for me, He was vindicating me. And in this life we are not promised "rainbows and sunshine" but God says we will have trials and tribulation. Everyday is a different battle and journey, but we are Christians, we are called to walk by faith and not by sight. We know there is a God, and we KNOW that we can trust Him, that He brings peace that surpasses all understanding.
I know that in writing all of this, I cannot force you to do anything, but I hope that you will reconsider abortion. God has a plan for you, and a plan for your child. We just need to trust in Him.
I took my daughter to a children's class recently, and a lot of the parents there.... are in their 40's & 50's... and their babies.. .were not even a year old.. God is good, all the time. And He will get us through whatever it is that we are going through. Just have faith, He has a plan.