Too much anger, too much hate, too much destruction, too many enemies we make when we do not have Jesus in our heart. Satan want us all destroyed, unhappy, unjoyful, without peace and joy in our hearts. Maybe we have forgotten to read Gods word to all of us....
Love one another as I have loved you, so you must love one another.
john 13.34
Follow the example of Jesus who went out of His way to help others, heal the broken hearted and those who had any trouble walking or seeing the wonders of Gods creation. He did not show any bitterness, wrath, anger or clamor against anyone, He prayed for those who were in chains of bitterness in their heart. He clearly said to all of us....
Be kind one to another, tender hearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christs sakes hath forgiven you.
O Lord make us all of us.
As Thou art.
Full of love and compassion.
Caring for one another.
Forgive those who reject You.
Forgive those who do not want to come to You.
Send help and mercy.
To those who suffer untold pain.
Let us all resolve to obey Gods word and do what He told me to do.
Love one another as I have loved you, so you must love one another.
john 13.34
Follow the example of Jesus who went out of His way to help others, heal the broken hearted and those who had any trouble walking or seeing the wonders of Gods creation. He did not show any bitterness, wrath, anger or clamor against anyone, He prayed for those who were in chains of bitterness in their heart. He clearly said to all of us....
Be kind one to another, tender hearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christs sakes hath forgiven you.
O Lord make us all of us.
As Thou art.
Full of love and compassion.
Caring for one another.
Forgive those who reject You.
Forgive those who do not want to come to You.
Send help and mercy.
To those who suffer untold pain.
Let us all resolve to obey Gods word and do what He told me to do.