I am She
Today I come asking for Prayers IN JESUS NAME, I FEEL SO LOST IN THIS WORLD. I CAN'T SEEM TO FIND MY WAY. I HAVE BEEN A GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT. I PRAY FOR OTHER'S AND TREAT OTHER'S KIND, BUT I NEVER GET THE SAME IN RETURN. I HAVE BEEN A FRIEND TO MANY AND SEEMS LIKE IF NOBODY CARES FOR ME ANYMORE. NO MATTER HOW GOOD I TREAT THEM. MY FAMILY TREAT ME THE SAME. I AM THE BABY OF THE FAMILY. I CALL AND TRY TO TAKE CARE OF EVERYONE AND NOBODY NEVER CALLS OR COME TO CHECK ON ME. I have isolated myself away from those who mistreat me. I saved up my and brought a used truck from the car lot. With extended warranty. The truck was $10,995 the owner had Me sign two sets of paper. Not knowing he changed the price and he added an extra $6,000 plus had US pay Him $1,400 down and When I confronted Him about it He called Me a Liar. Please Pray for Me I feel violated. How can God Allow Me, an Honest Person, to get messed over. The transmission went out in the truck warranty made excuses not to pay, I voluntarily sent the truck back after paying on it a whole year they saying Even though I gave it back I still owe almost $13,000. I have been praying holding on to My faith believing GOD to Heal My Body and VINDICATE ME from the lies and attacks of the car salesman and loan company for what they have done to Me. I have nobody except My Husband, Children, and father. Everyone has turned on me. When I could no longer help my Friends they left. I met a lady she seemed to be nice, I was nice cooking and baking for Her. The first time I didn't cook something She wanted She was mean to Me. I cut off All communications with Her. I'm to the point where anybody who treats me unkind I No longer affiliate myself with the. (Am I wrong?) Please Also pray for Our Finances to Be released to US in Jesus name. I know God Loves Me and I know My Purpose is To pray for Other's IN JESUS NAME. I'M JUST TIRED OF BEING LOOKED OVER AND UNLOVED. I TREAT PEOPLE HOW I WANT TO BE TREATED IT'S LIKE A MAGNET FOR MISTREATMENT.