LORD'S PRAYER... "Therefore, pray after this manner, 'Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come & will be done, On earth as it is in heaven,"

Give us our daily bread. Forgive our debts, we forgive our debtors. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one" Matt 6:9-13.

EARTHQUAKE RELIEF... We ask mercy on the 7.7 Earthquake rescue workers in Asia. Heal the injured, comfort the grieving, protect youth & elderly, help people turn to Christ. Help hospitals and workers, in Jesus' Name.

CURRENT JOB SUCCESS… In line with “being faithful with a little,” Luke 16:10, and "not despising the day of small beginnings," Zech 4:10, I ask I would prosper and succeed at my CURRENT JOB, Josh 1:7-9. I ask for favor and grace on phones to set solid appointments that stick (customers meet with representative and hear free, no obligation proposals). I do ask they move forward with the proposed home improvement solutions. Things are going up in price over the next year, not down, and the rebates and incentives available are not guaranteed to perpetually continue forward. Help me convince people to get a free, no obligation quote on needed home improvements -- their balking can cost them thousands of dollars. I ask I get paid as well — I’ve been working three weeks and trained for at least one week and have yet to be compensated, in Jesus’ Name.

FUTURE JOB… I am also taking hold of one thing without letting go of another, Ecclesiastes 7:18, in currently continuing a JOB SEARCH for a better-paid remote job I enjoy w/ base salary, commission & benefits, Ecclesiastes 2:24 (Seeking when I have time). Grant God to open a door and list the right job for me on Career Sites and Job Boards. May He multiply the time I have to search, grant favor on my resume, applications & cover letters. I ask for God to grant excellent communication & wisdom in interviews, Proverbs 15:2. We pray for a well-paid, remote position with a solid company & the power to work in line w/ great hours. May God open the right door and close the wrong ones, Rev 3:7-8. ive us favor, Ps 5:12, Acts 7:10. We ask wisdom in managing our time & schedules, James 1:5, and for God's protection, Ps 91:10-11, in Jesus’ Name.

LOCAL REGION... We also pray for God's power & protection over our local area, "But seek the welfare of the city where I have removed you, and pray to the LORD on its behalf, for in its welfare, peace and prosperity you will find yours as well," Jer 29:7. May The Holy Spirit convict our neighbors, the local students, teachers, workers that come and go and even the fishermen, basketball players, parents, pastors, law enforcement and local leaders -- convict them of righteousness, sin and judgement to come, John 16:8. Father, draw them to Your Son, John 6:44. Graciously grant them repentance that leads to life, Acts 11:17, and godly sorrow which brings repentance that leads to salvation, 2 Cor 7:5. Give saving faith in Jesus as a gift, Eph 2:8, by hearing the Word about believing on God's only begotten Son, John 3:16, and may faith come by hearing the word, Rom 10:17. Grant a wall of fire around our area, protecting it from harm & evil influences, Zechariah 2:5, Ps 91:10-11, John 17:15, 2 Thes 3:2-3.

Thank you in Jesus' Name.