The Lord's Prayer has Two Parts, 1) God's Part, and, 2) Our Part...
In the first part, Jesus reminds us to forget our own needs briefly because The God of Heaven already knows what we need before we ask, has become our Father through the blood of Jesus and The Holy Spirit of adoption, that He is in Heaven (that place that is Perfect and Governs Earth). He already knows and cares about our needs since we under His care as children more important than lilies that are splendidly clothed and birds that are well fed. To build our faith, honor and respect, Jesus gives us three God-focused priorities for to pray (His Name Be Honored, His Kingdom Be Promoted [and Actually Appear in Fullness at His 2nd Coming] and His Will would Be Known and Done Perfectly on This Planet Earth as it is Being Done Perfectly in Heaven). This, "God's Part" of the prayer we would never think to do on our own without His teaching, but are prone to skip them and not Focus on God, His Name, Kingdom or Will, but merely throw our concerns before the God who is worshiped by all the Holy saints and angels of Heaven and Earth, (and certainly not used to being man's errand boy)... We must remember that Christianity is more a relationship with God than a religion... We must not be temped to treat the Creator of Heaven and Earth like we would a free ebay account with unlimited overnight or next day delivery... Father God is not "video on demand" or worse "God on demand," but God who invented prayer and "Who is seeking worshipers to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth" (John 4:24).
Let's continue with who God is and our relationship to Him...
Our Father in Heaven -- we were all brought into the status as Children of God with The un-created, eternal, most Holy, Creator of The Universe, Planet, angels, all creatures, and Man, originally created perfectly in His image, through Jesus Christ, The Only Begotten Son's shedding of blood in our place unto death (once more, in our place); has given adoption and acceptance in our Union (Baptism -- Our total public identification with everything Jesus did, taught, died, rose, fought, won, stood and stands for) -- Everything that's His became Ours through the wedding ring of Faith -- Our Identity is we are children of God (John 1:12); and God has given us The Holy Spirit of Adoption (Rom 8:15; Gal 4:6) -- "Behold, now we are children of God" (1 John 3:2); Selah -- sincerely ponder our status and thank our Father for that act he has done for us, Christ giving us His birthright and teaching us to use Father as the distinguishing way to address GOD in prayer, Our Father.
Your Name be Honored -- thought and spoken well of, trusted in as a perfect Father, relied on -- may we rest in contemplating the Names (Shepherd, Provider, Righteousness, Peace, Deliverer, Strong Tower) & Attributes of God (Most Loving, Most Holy, Most Merciful, All Powerful, All Knowing, Everywhere Present, Most Kind, Most Gracious): Michael W. Smith paints this in Worship, Agnus Dei, Alelujah, For The Lord God Almighty Reigns...
Your Kingdom Come -- May the Kingdom come to us and through us by The Holy Spirit as vessels -- with fruit, gifts and authority over darkness. May The Kingdom spread through each individual believer to strengthen each person we come in contact with and our local churches -- reach out through us to each person joined to Christ, to the ones in prison for their faith, or tho he one next to us in a pew, may the Holy Spirit reach and strengthen each believer in the world and reach each lost person in the world with the gospel, so "then the end will come" -- Matt 24:14; Mark 13:10 -- Your Kingdom Come -- We actually ask Your Son would Return.
Your Will be Done, on earth as it is being done in heaven (as perfectly now as possible and permissible in spite of the curse and fall -- exempt some of that by Your blessing and by answering our requests [since we all inwardly yearn it would be that way at present since we all long for Eden) -- and let Your will be done perfectly in the thousand years of peace which is soon to come in a little while, where You will have it much like Eden was supposed to have been if man, being in honor, abode forever by having abstained from the forbidden produce-- Your final say so -- Your Way, not mans' nor the devil's, in The Millennium).
"This Kingdom" by Hillsong with Darlene Zschech, Shout to the Lord, Integrity Music, 1996.
"Eden" by Phil Wickham, "Heaven and Earth," INO Records, 2009.
==> Our Part... We now (after we Pray for and Seek First God's Kingdom & Jesus' Priorities) descend to our own interests, of which all are accounted for by God after we serve and worship Him by obeying His order in the Prayer taught by His Son. Jesus knows what we really need is for God's Name, Kingdom and Will to Be Done and the rest will be taken care of (Matt 6:33)...
Give us our daily bread (Provision & Health) -- Provision: productive and Godly gain through the ordinary means of work, our jobs, tithing to extend the Kingdom of Christ, rebuking the devourer of our time, energy and finances, and since most of our lives are made of work, our witness there -- And Health: Eating well, exercise, proper sleep, nutrition, even doctor visits and the correct use of medicines when necessary...
I believe "Our Daily Bread" is more than just physical sustenance and healing -- I believe it is the Word of God being provided, by which we can not live without, Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God (Deut 8:3, Matt 4:4 & Luke 4:4). It is what we need for our hearts, spiritually, but also our souls, intellectually for our minds, strengthening for our wills, and socially for our emotions. In this way it means Christian friendship, evangelism and can even include marriage, Christian fellowship, church attendance (Heb 10:25), and even managing our relationships with friends from work, saved and unsaved alike... Give us this day our daily bread is profound... It's asking God our Father, who knows what we need before we ask, to give us what He thinks we need...
The children's bread is clearly healing and the right of God's adopted children, even gentiles tapped into God's riches for His children by faith --
Forgive our debts -- Freely, they are too much to ever pay ourselves except for the sacrifice and satisfaction of The Suffering Servant, the Messiah, as we forgive our debtors (grant them faith and repentance, they don't owe us, we forgive them and pray they emulate Christ more perfectly -- may others admit they wronged us -- not out of obligation to us, but in obedience to You and for conscience sake -- "if your brother is offended, go to him" [Matt 5:23; Matt 18:15], out of the need for unity [Eph 4:3]; and "for the sake of truth, humility and justice," for which Christ always rides [Psalm 45:4]). If those that have wronged us or are wronging us are lost, may they be brought to salvation (1 Tim 2:4, 2 Peter 3:9). We bless and pray for those who persecute us, Matt 5 & Luke 6, Sermon on The Mount [Christianity 101]). (No exceptions to this clear teaching of Jesus which contradict and revise David's blood-thirsty prayers for revenge... David, though a man of faith, was human and full of sin... Jesus prayed graciously while dying on the cross [Luke 23:34] and so did Stephen while being stoned to death [Acts 7:60]). When the soldiers saw Jesus forgive they glorified God and acknowledged He was Divine... Stephen's accusers saw his face as an angel...
Here I will briefly define what sin is because there are two main types... 1) to transgress against what God explicitly or implicitly commands (gossiping, stealing, doubting, complaining, drinking, lusting, coveting, being angry with another, calling another person a name, (Matt 5), (Sins of Commission), or, 2) not doing what He clearly tells us to do (Sins of Omission), e.g. -- not preaching the gospel to all creation (Mark 16), not making disciples of all the nations (Matt 28), meditating on the word day and night (Ps 1), praying without ceasing (1 Thes 5), giving to all who ask of us (Matt 5:42), tithing (Mal 3:10-11), attending church all the more as we see the day approaching (Heb 10:26), not owing anything to anyone (Romans), not speaking to one another in psalms, hymns & spiritual songs (Ephesians, Colossians), not healing the sick (Luke 10), laying hands on the sick & casting out devils (Mark 16), praying for all in authority (1 Tim 2:1-4), not hating what God hates (Prov 8:13), or for giving thanks for all things in Christ Jesus (1 Thes 5), not praising him in the midst of trials (Acts 16) -- all these things are either clearly commanded to do in Scripture or set before us as examples -- to not do them is sin (falling short of the glory of God): All these require confession as the remedy (too many scriptures to reference to prove that at this time, but 1 John 1:9 will suffice). Note* Some sins that are persistent or involve others require what James says, The confessing of your sins to one another (James 5:15). These sins require the power of agreement to break and the accountability of pastors or leaders who are not involved in the same sin or type of sin: if two of you agree on earth (Matt 18:19).
Jesus, we plead Your Blood over our sins and the sins of our nation. End abortion, euthanasia, terrorism, racism, alcoholism, drug abuse (opiates, stimulants, barbiturates and marijuana), sexual immorality, back-sliding, false-teaching, false education, witchcraft and murder and send repentance and revival to America.
Lead us not into temptation -- keep us from temptation to sin -- again, sins of commission, to disobey what God clearly says is sin, which can be broken down into lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and the boastful pride of life; and; sins of omission -- making the Christian life much less than we are called to by saying what the word of God says to do (above) does not apply to me -- Man shall live by every word that has been written. If we fall short of Glory (perfection -- the benchmark for which we were created) -- we must take the remedy -- that is, the humble confession of our sins and sometimes to one another (See Note* Above Paragraph)...
But Deliver us from evil (hurt, harm, injury, sickness, sin, selfishness, false or rebellious spirituality, spells, occult, fallen angels & ultimately shat-tan himself and all that are knowingly or unknowingly aligned with him), keep, protect and deliver us from all evil and its source, the evil one. Protect our Pastors, President, Governors, Troops and Law Enforcement Officers. Protect Church Leaders and Churches in the Name of Jesus, Amen.
For Yours is The Kingdom, and The Power and the Glory, Forever, Amen
Here Jesus, The Messiah and The Lord's True Anointed One, The Son of David, echos His earthly father, King David, in giving a 2nd Witness in Scripture to exiting the Holy of Holies the same way we enter it -- with thanksgiving (Psalm 100). In David's moment of Ecstasy, at the Temple Dedication, who proclaims, in 1 Chron 29:10-14
David's Prayer of Praise Second (2nd) Witness to Praising God Since All Comes from Him...
10 So David blessed the LORD in the sight of all the assembly; and David said, "Blessed are You, O LORD God of Israel our father, forever and ever. 11 "Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, indeed everything that is in the heavens and the earth; Yours is the dominion, O LORD, and You exalt Yourself as head over all. 12 "Both riches and honor come from You, and You rule over all, and in Your hand is power and might; and it lies in Your hand to make great and to strengthen everyone. 13"Now therefore, our God, we thank You, and praise Your glorious name. 14"But who am I and who are my people that we should be able to offer as generously as this? For all things come from You, and from Your hand we have given back to You.
Let's exit The Throne Room of God the same way we enter His gates, That is "with thanksgiving" and "His Courts, With Praise" (Psalm 100:4). Amen and Amen to The Father, Son and Holy Spirit, in Jesus' Name, Amen & Amen.
"Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow" Traditional Doxology... Amen and Amen! (2 Thes 3:1-3)
For a shorter version of "The Lord's Prayer," with a lot of Scripture References, please follow this link, below...
In the first part, Jesus reminds us to forget our own needs briefly because The God of Heaven already knows what we need before we ask, has become our Father through the blood of Jesus and The Holy Spirit of adoption, that He is in Heaven (that place that is Perfect and Governs Earth). He already knows and cares about our needs since we under His care as children more important than lilies that are splendidly clothed and birds that are well fed. To build our faith, honor and respect, Jesus gives us three God-focused priorities for to pray (His Name Be Honored, His Kingdom Be Promoted [and Actually Appear in Fullness at His 2nd Coming] and His Will would Be Known and Done Perfectly on This Planet Earth as it is Being Done Perfectly in Heaven). This, "God's Part" of the prayer we would never think to do on our own without His teaching, but are prone to skip them and not Focus on God, His Name, Kingdom or Will, but merely throw our concerns before the God who is worshiped by all the Holy saints and angels of Heaven and Earth, (and certainly not used to being man's errand boy)... We must remember that Christianity is more a relationship with God than a religion... We must not be temped to treat the Creator of Heaven and Earth like we would a free ebay account with unlimited overnight or next day delivery... Father God is not "video on demand" or worse "God on demand," but God who invented prayer and "Who is seeking worshipers to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth" (John 4:24).
Let's continue with who God is and our relationship to Him...
Our Father in Heaven -- we were all brought into the status as Children of God with The un-created, eternal, most Holy, Creator of The Universe, Planet, angels, all creatures, and Man, originally created perfectly in His image, through Jesus Christ, The Only Begotten Son's shedding of blood in our place unto death (once more, in our place); has given adoption and acceptance in our Union (Baptism -- Our total public identification with everything Jesus did, taught, died, rose, fought, won, stood and stands for) -- Everything that's His became Ours through the wedding ring of Faith -- Our Identity is we are children of God (John 1:12); and God has given us The Holy Spirit of Adoption (Rom 8:15; Gal 4:6) -- "Behold, now we are children of God" (1 John 3:2); Selah -- sincerely ponder our status and thank our Father for that act he has done for us, Christ giving us His birthright and teaching us to use Father as the distinguishing way to address GOD in prayer, Our Father.
Your Name be Honored -- thought and spoken well of, trusted in as a perfect Father, relied on -- may we rest in contemplating the Names (Shepherd, Provider, Righteousness, Peace, Deliverer, Strong Tower) & Attributes of God (Most Loving, Most Holy, Most Merciful, All Powerful, All Knowing, Everywhere Present, Most Kind, Most Gracious): Michael W. Smith paints this in Worship, Agnus Dei, Alelujah, For The Lord God Almighty Reigns...
Your Kingdom Come -- May the Kingdom come to us and through us by The Holy Spirit as vessels -- with fruit, gifts and authority over darkness. May The Kingdom spread through each individual believer to strengthen each person we come in contact with and our local churches -- reach out through us to each person joined to Christ, to the ones in prison for their faith, or tho he one next to us in a pew, may the Holy Spirit reach and strengthen each believer in the world and reach each lost person in the world with the gospel, so "then the end will come" -- Matt 24:14; Mark 13:10 -- Your Kingdom Come -- We actually ask Your Son would Return.
Your Will be Done, on earth as it is being done in heaven (as perfectly now as possible and permissible in spite of the curse and fall -- exempt some of that by Your blessing and by answering our requests [since we all inwardly yearn it would be that way at present since we all long for Eden) -- and let Your will be done perfectly in the thousand years of peace which is soon to come in a little while, where You will have it much like Eden was supposed to have been if man, being in honor, abode forever by having abstained from the forbidden produce-- Your final say so -- Your Way, not mans' nor the devil's, in The Millennium).
"This Kingdom" by Hillsong with Darlene Zschech, Shout to the Lord, Integrity Music, 1996.
"Eden" by Phil Wickham, "Heaven and Earth," INO Records, 2009.
==> Our Part... We now (after we Pray for and Seek First God's Kingdom & Jesus' Priorities) descend to our own interests, of which all are accounted for by God after we serve and worship Him by obeying His order in the Prayer taught by His Son. Jesus knows what we really need is for God's Name, Kingdom and Will to Be Done and the rest will be taken care of (Matt 6:33)...
Give us our daily bread (Provision & Health) -- Provision: productive and Godly gain through the ordinary means of work, our jobs, tithing to extend the Kingdom of Christ, rebuking the devourer of our time, energy and finances, and since most of our lives are made of work, our witness there -- And Health: Eating well, exercise, proper sleep, nutrition, even doctor visits and the correct use of medicines when necessary...
I believe "Our Daily Bread" is more than just physical sustenance and healing -- I believe it is the Word of God being provided, by which we can not live without, Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God (Deut 8:3, Matt 4:4 & Luke 4:4). It is what we need for our hearts, spiritually, but also our souls, intellectually for our minds, strengthening for our wills, and socially for our emotions. In this way it means Christian friendship, evangelism and can even include marriage, Christian fellowship, church attendance (Heb 10:25), and even managing our relationships with friends from work, saved and unsaved alike... Give us this day our daily bread is profound... It's asking God our Father, who knows what we need before we ask, to give us what He thinks we need...
The children's bread is clearly healing and the right of God's adopted children, even gentiles tapped into God's riches for His children by faith --
Forgive our debts -- Freely, they are too much to ever pay ourselves except for the sacrifice and satisfaction of The Suffering Servant, the Messiah, as we forgive our debtors (grant them faith and repentance, they don't owe us, we forgive them and pray they emulate Christ more perfectly -- may others admit they wronged us -- not out of obligation to us, but in obedience to You and for conscience sake -- "if your brother is offended, go to him" [Matt 5:23; Matt 18:15], out of the need for unity [Eph 4:3]; and "for the sake of truth, humility and justice," for which Christ always rides [Psalm 45:4]). If those that have wronged us or are wronging us are lost, may they be brought to salvation (1 Tim 2:4, 2 Peter 3:9). We bless and pray for those who persecute us, Matt 5 & Luke 6, Sermon on The Mount [Christianity 101]). (No exceptions to this clear teaching of Jesus which contradict and revise David's blood-thirsty prayers for revenge... David, though a man of faith, was human and full of sin... Jesus prayed graciously while dying on the cross [Luke 23:34] and so did Stephen while being stoned to death [Acts 7:60]). When the soldiers saw Jesus forgive they glorified God and acknowledged He was Divine... Stephen's accusers saw his face as an angel...
Here I will briefly define what sin is because there are two main types... 1) to transgress against what God explicitly or implicitly commands (gossiping, stealing, doubting, complaining, drinking, lusting, coveting, being angry with another, calling another person a name, (Matt 5), (Sins of Commission), or, 2) not doing what He clearly tells us to do (Sins of Omission), e.g. -- not preaching the gospel to all creation (Mark 16), not making disciples of all the nations (Matt 28), meditating on the word day and night (Ps 1), praying without ceasing (1 Thes 5), giving to all who ask of us (Matt 5:42), tithing (Mal 3:10-11), attending church all the more as we see the day approaching (Heb 10:26), not owing anything to anyone (Romans), not speaking to one another in psalms, hymns & spiritual songs (Ephesians, Colossians), not healing the sick (Luke 10), laying hands on the sick & casting out devils (Mark 16), praying for all in authority (1 Tim 2:1-4), not hating what God hates (Prov 8:13), or for giving thanks for all things in Christ Jesus (1 Thes 5), not praising him in the midst of trials (Acts 16) -- all these things are either clearly commanded to do in Scripture or set before us as examples -- to not do them is sin (falling short of the glory of God): All these require confession as the remedy (too many scriptures to reference to prove that at this time, but 1 John 1:9 will suffice). Note* Some sins that are persistent or involve others require what James says, The confessing of your sins to one another (James 5:15). These sins require the power of agreement to break and the accountability of pastors or leaders who are not involved in the same sin or type of sin: if two of you agree on earth (Matt 18:19).
Jesus, we plead Your Blood over our sins and the sins of our nation. End abortion, euthanasia, terrorism, racism, alcoholism, drug abuse (opiates, stimulants, barbiturates and marijuana), sexual immorality, back-sliding, false-teaching, false education, witchcraft and murder and send repentance and revival to America.
Lead us not into temptation -- keep us from temptation to sin -- again, sins of commission, to disobey what God clearly says is sin, which can be broken down into lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and the boastful pride of life; and; sins of omission -- making the Christian life much less than we are called to by saying what the word of God says to do (above) does not apply to me -- Man shall live by every word that has been written. If we fall short of Glory (perfection -- the benchmark for which we were created) -- we must take the remedy -- that is, the humble confession of our sins and sometimes to one another (See Note* Above Paragraph)...
But Deliver us from evil (hurt, harm, injury, sickness, sin, selfishness, false or rebellious spirituality, spells, occult, fallen angels & ultimately shat-tan himself and all that are knowingly or unknowingly aligned with him), keep, protect and deliver us from all evil and its source, the evil one. Protect our Pastors, President, Governors, Troops and Law Enforcement Officers. Protect Church Leaders and Churches in the Name of Jesus, Amen.
For Yours is The Kingdom, and The Power and the Glory, Forever, Amen
Here Jesus, The Messiah and The Lord's True Anointed One, The Son of David, echos His earthly father, King David, in giving a 2nd Witness in Scripture to exiting the Holy of Holies the same way we enter it -- with thanksgiving (Psalm 100). In David's moment of Ecstasy, at the Temple Dedication, who proclaims, in 1 Chron 29:10-14
David's Prayer of Praise Second (2nd) Witness to Praising God Since All Comes from Him...
10 So David blessed the LORD in the sight of all the assembly; and David said, "Blessed are You, O LORD God of Israel our father, forever and ever. 11 "Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, indeed everything that is in the heavens and the earth; Yours is the dominion, O LORD, and You exalt Yourself as head over all. 12 "Both riches and honor come from You, and You rule over all, and in Your hand is power and might; and it lies in Your hand to make great and to strengthen everyone. 13"Now therefore, our God, we thank You, and praise Your glorious name. 14"But who am I and who are my people that we should be able to offer as generously as this? For all things come from You, and from Your hand we have given back to You.
Paul confirms this as a third (3rd) witness as he says, "For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen" (Rom 11:36).
John The Baptist is a Fourth (4th) witness, John answered and said, "A man can receive nothing unless it has been given him from heaven" (John 3:27).
James will testify to the same thing as a fifth (5th) Witness, James 1:17 "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, with whom there is no change or shifting shadow."
Let's exit The Throne Room of God the same way we enter His gates, That is "with thanksgiving" and "His Courts, With Praise" (Psalm 100:4). Amen and Amen to The Father, Son and Holy Spirit, in Jesus' Name, Amen & Amen.
"Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow" Traditional Doxology... Amen and Amen! (2 Thes 3:1-3)
For a shorter version of "The Lord's Prayer," with a lot of Scripture References, please follow this link, below...