Beloved of All
Lord your words says ask ask and I will recieve I ask you please please please bless me me please with brand new brand new under eyes with absolutely no no bulgy bits at all absolutely no raised bits at all absolutely no no dark circles hollows at all absolutely no no fluid under my cheekbones at all without any delay by your power I ask you please please lord remove remove permanently all every dark circles hollows all bulgy bits all raised bits under my eyes completely totally permanently without any delay please please give dictor darren incredibly incredibly supernatural skill wisdom to get every bit of filler away all every bulgy bits all evert raised bits all fkuod whatever it is under my cheekbones permanently away from the roots never ever to return ever please give doctor dareen incredibly skill wisdom income patience understand compassion to me towards me in every single way grant bless me me with incredibly income supernatural favour favour with doctor darren in every way doctor darren will never ever reject me in any way form wants to help me in every way wants to get my under eyes cheekbones skin neck the way I desire brand new for me will be successful in doing so please lord in jesus christ name I ask you please please lord remove all fluod whatever it is under my left cheekbone from tbe roots without any delay in jesus christ name please remove all puffiness above my eyes permanently bump under my left eye lid permanently all every spots all every marks pimples white heads black heads all evert dark circles hollows bulgy bits raised bits every bit of filler under my eyes completely away please lord where my under eyes is is completely totally smooth when I look up down in the mirror without any delay please please remive every single all moles all red viens all pigmentation marks all every pot holes marks scars lines wrinkles wee tiny raised bits side of my mouth all saggyness on my neck absolutely evert all skin problems I ask you please please please lord remove from under my eyes above my eyes on cheekbones on my face neck skin permanently without any delay please please give doctor darren incredibly income skill
skill wisdom to please please get all every one of my skin concernsvi don't like feel insecure about completely totalky away from the roots never ever to return successfully with absolutely no no side effects absolutely no alleric reactions above no complications sude effects problems please lord work through him hus hands bless him to please use thr right amount of products dissolver fillers botox in all the right way spots for desires results only grant me me me awsome incredibly incredibly supernatural favour with doctor darren in every way he will never ever reject me in any way please please please lord bless me me with brand new under eyes skin I deeply desire without any delay in jesus christ name please please lord bless Sarah my new dentust to be incredibly incredibly caring gentke understanding compassionate do all new emax crowns kn the bottom of my teeth awsomelt amazing only charge me for 4 do 2 on nhs do crowns on bottom for me as I deeply desire not not turn me down or reject me in any way form ever please lord in jesus christ name for Sarah to do all new crowns on bottom soo white bright make them all level as I deeply desire fill in all gaps at bottom as I deeply desire and for the tooth that moves to no longer move once new crowns fitted for Sarah lord give Sarah incredibly income debtust skill to do all tbe new crowns I desire awsomley anazlu do composite bonding on all 8 teeth front not bulky awsomley soo white bright give me discount grant me awsome awsome favour with Sarah dentist all people bless me with brand new teeth I deeply desire without any delay please lord in jesus christ name lord please please perform miracles wonders for me for me in every wah now please please please lord exeed exesd superseded every single one of my prayers request expectations deepest desires fill me fill me please please lord with income incredibly joy happiness peace your awsome awsome awsome incredibly beauty glory radiance shigina glory incredibly abundantly lord no no I decree and declare no no more dissappoitments in any way no more rejection in any way no no more delay stagnation in any way no no more sadness sorrow misery lonleyness singleness lateness in marriage no no more skin problems in any way no no more itchy scalp scalp problems dandruff thin hair no no more asthma symptoms of asthma no more low iron no more high blood platelets no no more sadness sorrow misery lonleyness singleness lateness in marriage no no no no more lack poverty in any way area no no no more dissappoitments with any photographes videos taken of me that I need to delete hate feel insecure about no no more spiders insects maggots flys in my flat I live in jesus name no no more living in a one bedroom council flat I am enbarrest about no no no more critasism to me about me in any way no no more teeth gum problems in any way no no no more dissappoitments rejection regarding my teeth in any way please lord in jesus christ name lord lord please please perform miracles wonders for me in every way now please please exedd exedd exedd every single one of my prayers request expectations desires right now always please lord in jesus christ namess