Beloved of All
Lord your words say ask ask and I will recieve lord I stand on your words lord photographes videos selfies snap chats watapp videus face time videos lord are so so very important to me lord they create memories lord I ask you please with all my heart please lord bless me me please to please please look incredibly beautiful incredibly geourgeous incredibly stunning incredibly sexy striking radiaht glourious outstanding totally breathtaking totally totally out of this world please lord in evefy single way in every single part of me please lird in all all evefy single all every photographes all every videis all every selfies all evdry snap chats all every snap chats videis fave tome videos watapp videos any zoom videos lord that are taken of me please wuty every all phines every all cameras everh all videos at all times in all places please lord with filters without any filters allt allt allt better please lord than every all fioters without any filters that are bkt blurry in any way that are titally incredibly awsome breathtaking out of this world in every aay getter than I can ever ever ever possible ask think imsgobe alot alot better than all every one of these top class models celebrties alot allt better than every all girls all women in face book instagraham that I am titally amazed astonished right now always please ij jesus christ name please please do these things god me now please bh uoir power I will not admire other peoples photographes videis selfies snap shavs snap xjafs videus all all my photographes videus are incredibly titally blessed incredibly totally admired in every way right now always in jesus christ namess I decree declare I am the total total verh very best ever model in every wah part of me right now always in jesus christ namess pleasd lord bless me please wuty allt alot allt better please mobile phone camera mobile that takes totally awsome breathtaking photographes videus selfies snap xjafs snap chats videis fave tome videos watapp videos with a very verh long battery life at great awsome bargins prices please without any delay pleaee please lord do all these things for me now please by yoir power please please lord exeed exeed please evefy one of my prayers expectations request desires right now always please even before I ask please enlarge my faith trust in you please incredibly abubdantly in evefh way now more more every day please lord build build boast please my whole self confidence self esteem self worth please incredibly abundantly in evefy way please right now please more more every day please in jesus name please please bless me please wuty the most amazing incredibly compliments I desire please lord abundantly right now please always everywhere I go bless me please to look feel a total million dollars in the every way part of me right now always please in jesus christ namess