Beloved of All
Lord your words say ask ask and I will recieve keep on asking that my joy gladness will be full lord I stand on your words lord photographes videis are so so very important to me lord I asj you please please please bless me every part of ne please to please please look incredibly beautiful incredibly geourgeous stunning very radiant very sext string young youthful totally outstanding totally amazing totally phenomenal totally magnificent totally breathtaking please in every single way in every single part of me please lord in all every single all every photographes all everh videus all every selfies snap chats snap chats videus watapp videis all every face time videis taken of me please lord wuty every all phones every all cameras every all videis at all times please in all placds with filters without any fioters alot alkt alot better please lord than any all filters without any filters that I am titalky totally incredibly amazed astonished now always please alot alot better than all every one if these too class models celebrities ally alot better than every all girls lord on face book instagraham that I am so very amazed please lord this is very important tobme now always in jesus christ holy name I will not admire other people photographes videis all evefy one of my photographes videis are incredibly blessed incredibly admired in evefy single way now always in jesus christ name lord please please bless me pleasd with alot alkt better mobile phone camera mobile phone that raises awsome photographes videis selfues snap chats snap chats videis face time video at very good prices long battery life aljt alot alot alot better than the one I have at the money at great bargin prices please in jesus christ name lord I ask you please in jesus name please please pleasd do all these things for me now please without any delay please totally amaze me please please please lofd exeed exeed exeed please exeed incredibly abubdantly evdfy single one of my prayers now desires now always please even before I ask in jesus christ namess please please lord bless me please wuth new the total very very very best ever please lord new foundations new tinted mostruisers all the new very very best ever cosmetics in every wah that are rught so so very amazing tired my skin in evefy way please thst I put on dont want to take off that I look feel a total total million dollars so very beautiful stunning very radiaht alot alot younger brighter radjabt with please abubdantly now please without any delay at really great prices please lord make them all please be available to me now abundantly please lord by youf power please flood every all shops all places all every make up brabds companys pound land stores primark stores pleasd lord wutg all this new very very best ever new make up for me now abundantly at great prices pied please that I can buy now ryght now please without any delay please restore to me please lord all all all every single all every dissappoitments I've ever ever ever ever had in the past please wutg the make up all things to me right now please by your power in jesus christ namess