Beloved of All
Lord your winds say ask and I will recieve lord photographes videis selfies snap chat photograohes snap chat videis watapp videos lord are so so so very important to ke they create memories lord nothing nothing is impossible for you lord I ask you please please bless and please please please make me every single part of me please lord incredibly totallh anazky so so very outstandly so very photogenic in every way there is to be photogenic in everyvsay part of me in every all photographes every all videis every all selfies every all snap chat photograohes every all snap chat videis watapp videis every all fave time videus please please lord now always that I am truly amazed in jesus christ namess I ask you please please lord bless and please lord make me please please look incredibly beautiful incredibly geourgeous incredibly stunning incredibly sexy incredibly radiant incredibly glourious incredibly young youthful ageless totally awsome totally amazing totally phanomanal totally breathtaking out of this world please please please lord in every all photographes every all videos every all selfies every all snap chat photograohes every all snap chat videis every all watapp videos all every face time videos that are taken of me please lord wity every all cameras every qll videis every all mobile phones at all times on all places lord wuty every all lighting day light nightvtkme lighg low light dim lights everh all lighting with fikters without any filters that are not not blurry in any way at all in jesus name that I am sooo very bally with satisfied with that I don't need to delete change alter edit thag theh are soo awsome in jesus name and any one lord I ask to take photographs of me bless them please please lord yo take them so so very amazly perfe t not blurry in any way pleasd pleaseord tgis is so very important to me bless me please with all the very very best ever totally awsome photographes videis selfies snap chat photograohes snap chat videis fave time videis of md I desire now please in great abundance thst I sm truly truly amazed astonished in jesus christ namess I ask you plesse please lord renew restore please my whole beauty in every way whole youth in every way hair skin teeth eyes confidence faith in every wah rigjt now incredibly in jesus name bless me please please lord to please please look 25 years younger than whst I really am in every wah part of me please lird right now always more more evert day ij jesus name pleasd please lord build boast please lord my whole self esteem self worth self confidence in every way incredibly abundantly now more more every day please lord in jesus christ namess bless ke please lord wity the most amazing incredibly compliments I desire in every wah right now abundantjy dverh whete I go please please lord do all these things for me please now bh your power please please please lord exeed exedd please exeed every one of my prayers expectations request desires big huge tiny or small rigjt now always please enlarge my faith in you incredibly in jesus namess