Humble Prayer Partner
Lord you see all. I'm stupid Lord and I don't deserve the blessings you bestow on me. However, never the less help me fall on your Grace. Guide me at work because I'm overworked and feeling I need to move on but what and where. I don't want to run from the frying pan into the fire. I don't have the wits or the savy to bullcrap my way into another job. I have the issue of being a minority where the majority does not appreciate my success or what I have achieved but instead see me as someone who has taken somebody else's job. I am frustrated and don't know what to do. The powers that be hate me and I don't know how to suck. Am I Aspergers Lord? Do I have to be humiliated by being dismissed in order for me to take the next step? Make things ridiculously clear to me because sometimes I don't take hints very well. Protect me from those who would do me harm. Shut their mouths Lord and when they try curse me instead may blessings be said as when Balaam tried to curse Israel. Keep me as the apple of your eye Lord Jesus. Forgive my sins Lord Jesus and open the door. I need at least 3 referrals for a new job. I need a great resume and need a sparkling personality or give me the wisdom to start my own practice Jesus. Please Lord and guide me to the right path. In Jesus name Amen.