Humble Servant
Lord you know how tried an d weary I am I have prayed and cried prayed and cried over the situaltion with my daughter Dorothea Fa ther I did not raise her to do the things that she is very Lord please help her open up her eyes and show her the group of people she is running with means her no good she needs to be home and be a mother to her daughter Lord I don't know what went wrong nor what's going wrong please bring Dorothea to the sense that she was born with so that she will she that her child loves and need her Dorothea is out stealing getting into all kinds of trouble that the childs father stepped in and took her at least I do know that my grand daughter is been taking care of but Father I also need back my daughter when I try and talk with her she curses me out and hang up in my face Lord you know I have been nothing but good to her and have bent over backward to help her as much as I can Please my daughter come to her senses before it is to late I don't know what else to do